Yoshinori Ono(@Yoshi_OnoChin)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

I had a hard time to do a lot of happenings on this week I was situation like shot behind I’m been helped by SF fans & good friends! Unfortunately we were lost new announcement for SFV at EVO, but I re-found that we have good SF fans (Ofcourse everywhere has unpleasant person ;P)
The #SFV team has heard the feedback on the online matchmaking system and adjustments are being made in an upcoming update. More details will be shared on Mar 24, when the update is scheduled to release, so please stay tuned. Thank you for your support.
After the #SFVCE update, we have heard various opinions from players. We have a lot of feedback about netcode. Dev team is watching that opinion. Dev team want to create SFV that meets players expectations.
アラフィフのおじさんの新しい環境が始まります。 オフィスのデスクをセットしました。 新しいコミュニティの皆様、よろしくお願いします。 多くのメッセージを頂きありがとうございます。 個別の方々への挨拶等が遅延しております。 ご了承の程 宜しくお願い致します。
I appreciate your concern. Blanka is preparing himself for when he has presentation E Honda at #SFVAE #EVO2019 Final.Unfortunately, Hey please change your clothes. I’m really irritated and sad. But Blanka’s Pocket is growing for next! Look forward to it ;P youtu.be/1jphoFlKEBM
We've announced our plans for the final season of Street Fighter V. We will try our best to make sure that you continue to enjoy playing #SFV . We're also continuing to register players for #CPT Online. I hope that your family is healthy! capcom-unity.com/2020/05/27/sfv…
Although there was an unexpected announcement of the new characters, it was good to see such a positive reaction. The entire SF team at Capcom was drained after last night, but we feel revived thanks to you. ;D new 3 characters trailer: youtu.be/1jphoFlKEBM #EVO2019 #SFVAE
明日の4月24日(水)~5月6日(月)までストリートファイターV 無料トライアル版の配信を行います。多くの方々の参加をお待ちしております。豪鬼、ジュリ、メナト、ブランカも期間中は無料でプレイ可能です。こちらも是非 試してみて頂ければ。 capcom.co.jp/game/content/s… #SFVAE
Wow, it will might be next character! ;D twitter.com/ZaurAxmedov10/…
本日 東京 丸の内 丸ビル にて ストリートファイターII 企業対抗戦を開催致します。 同業、異業種の会社の方々が、丸の内の ど真ん中で拳を交わします! えいた選手 @eita_1988 、ゴールデンボンバー 歌広場さん @junjunmjgirly のエキシビジョンも! dengekionline.com/daimaruyust2/ dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/8…
Blanka and I'll join to #NYCC2019 4 Oct 11am~ World of Capcom Panel session at Room1A24 Signing session 5 Oct 12pm~ @arcade_1up #1866 (Honda x Abigail) 2pm~ Pin Club #120 (Evil Ryu x Akuma) 6 Oct 2pm~ @UdonEnt #1764 (Evil Ryu x Akuma) We have two kinds #SFVAE posters for NYCC
I and Blanka are ready for joining Capcom #E32019 booth for Street Fighter League and to some signing session! bit.ly/2EQSfI0 Hope see you at there and everyone look forward for announcing #SFVAE news at Aug!
Today I don't feel like doing anything. twitter.com/bizarro_mike/s…
日本の #SFVAE プレイヤーの皆さん 日本の公式SNS、Webでの公開を鋭意進行中です。 もう暫し お時間を頂けますでしょうか。 おおよそ 画像、映像で 認識出来る状況ではございますが、この3人が 参戦致します! それまでは CPT SuperPremierのEVOをお楽しみ下さい。
@JIN632147P @SF_Community 本件、開発・運営チームに調査の指示を致しました。弊社からコンタクトできそうなプロ選手の状況を伺いながら、調査を進めてみます。情報を頂き有り難うございます。引き続きStreet Fighterシリーズのサポートを宜しくお願い致します。
Thanks Street Fighter Fans around the world! We look forward to new #SFVAE announcement in Nov. and Dec. Looking forward to seeing you all there!! We'll be making preparation for Blanka's pocket. ;P Good Bye #EVO2019 I'll be back to home :D And Thanks @XavierWoodsPhD again!
#MHFグランドフィナーレ #MHF P6 (続き) 2019年12月18日、モンスターハンターフロンティア @MHF_official の開拓は終了します。 12年という年月を経て、開拓の区切りをさせて頂きます。 いままでご支援頂いた皆様には、改めて感謝の意を伝えさせて頂きます。 有り難うございました。
After my resignation announcement the other day, I’ve received lots of kind messages from many Street Fighter fans. I’m so thankful for that. For about several days within the announcement, I’ve been quite overwhelmed with emails and phone calls. hahaha~
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition has begun! We look forward to meet to New World Warriors on #SFVCE !! ;D #SFV チャンピオン エディション、新たなるセスが戻ってきました。週末をセスと過ごしてみては如何でしょうか。
Blanka reach to NOVO theater for joining to #CapcomCup2019 I apologize for making you worried about Live Streaming for LCQ. Blanka gives instructions to our team about updating Live information on @CapcomFighters We’ll be able to have live streaming LCQ Thanks @redbullgaming
Here’s the fan that got passed out at EVO. Actually… there are secrets hidden in this image. Can you tell what they are? #EVO2019 #SFVAE #CPT2019
I’ll be to San Diego for joining @Comic_Con this week with Blanka! :D I’ll be having autograph session Capcom booth #215 Hall A in July 19-21. I and Blanka look forward to meet great #SDCC2019 Street Fighter fans at there! #SFVAE bit.ly/CapcomSDCC19
I have an operation to remove a polyp. I'm a little anxious about it.I’ll take two-days work leave,I’ll back to office in day after tomorrow To connected to my work, I’ll be not able to take communication until a day after tomorrow,I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause
Takao Saito,the author of GOLGO 13, has passed away at the age of 84. He was 84 years old. He was a great manga artist who held the record of the world's largest single book publication and continued to draw his works. It is a great pity. news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/ca8f3…
多くのプレイヤー、選手の方々から、今後のSFVアップデートに関して、ご質問、ご要望をイベント会場やSNS上で頂いております。 SF開発チームは #SFVAE の継続開発を続けております。そして新コンテンツの提供が出来る様に準備を進めています。 引き続きCPT、SFL、AC版イベント を宜しくお願い致します