Yoshinori Ono(@Yoshi_OnoChin)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

The Street Fighter V network adjustment patch was released on February 18th. The subsequent performance analysis and investigation have been completed. Please check the link for further details. game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/system…
モンスターハンターフロンティア ハンターの皆様へ #MHF #MHFグランドフィナーレ 2007年7月5日 モンスターハンターフロンティアが12年間の開拓の旅を続ける事が出来るとは、当時は想像も出来ませんでした。 ハンターの皆さん、有り難うございました。 そしてMHFチームの皆さん、お疲れ様でした。(続く)
We had new announcement #SFVAE #SFVCE and New Character at #CPT2019 North America Regional finals !
Thanks for many your reply! Street Fighter Dev team has been making preparation with US and EU offices on excite new things for #SFV. What big event in Aug can I tell you about it? Until then, look forward to Combo Breaker @combobreakerfgc #CB2019 #CPT2019 in this weekend! ;D
Today, we announced the release date for MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA. It's September 30th. Official Web: meltyblood.typelumina.com/en/ Release Announcement Trailer: youtu.be/v4cvNNB65uM
I got upset because something unexpected happened! ;P However I hope you’ll like it. youtu.be/1jphoFlKEBM
Hi World Warriors! I'm sure you're having a hard time. Let's get through this phase together. We'll be making preparation about announcement of Capcom Pro Tour 2020 and Capcom CUP. Please wait tomorrow. Thank you all your support! #CPT2020 #CapcomCUP2020 #SFV
Melty Blood will be released on Sep30th By some chance,I became the president of MB's publisher in May.I believe that this FTG will be enjoyable for both players of the previous game and new players starting out.I hope that many people will enjoy it. #MBTL meltyblood.typelumina.com/en/
Wow! It’s awesome HADOUKEN! ;D #CEO2019 #CPT2019 #SFV twitter.com/youngbucks/sta…
I’ve already grasped the situation. #SFVCE
We hope you're enjoying #SFVCE and thank you for all the support!A netcode adjustment has been made to the game and is available now for all players.We ask that you send your feedback to @SFVServer. Please enjoy and look forward to #CPT2020 #SFL2020 #IntelWorldOpen starting soon!
A new #SFV update was released today and includes adjustments to the online matchmaking system. The distance from opponents and the response time has been adjusted when searching for ranked and casual matches, which improves the quality of 5-bar matches. game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/system…
多くの声を頂き有難うございます。日本時間の来週 月曜には新キャラ配信致します。プレイしてみて下さい。今回は想定外の対応を進める事になり、#EVO2019 ステージでの発表を 前倒す形になりました。SFV開発チームは まだ新しい取組みを続けています。次の発表の機会を楽しみにしていて下さいね。
Hahaha~ That's right! ;D @Harada_TEKKEN ! Good comment to @Tasty_Steve ! twitter.com/HiFightTH/stat…
先日のTweetに対して多くの返答、反応を頂き感謝しております。 我々SFチームは、皆さんへ #SFV の新しいアナウンスを届けることが出来るように目下 作業・開発を進行しております。 8月頃には新しいアナウンスができるかもしれません。 今週末は #CB2019 です。皆さんの応援を待っております!
We’ll make preparation announcement detail information of Street Fighter V Champion Edition in soon. V-Skill 2 ‘s information will make updating in next week. And more... Please join to Capcom Cup!! #CapcomCup2019 #SFVAE #SFVCE capcom-unity.com/mattrayu/blog/…
Please wait until we officially release. Please give me a little more time.
I fully understand SF’s fans are hoping for. I'm going into this with my eyes wide open. And our dev team are working hard to meet your expectations. I really appreciate your concern. twitter.com/rappz_IT/statu…
It's been six months since the last time I visited Capcom's headquarters. I was able to brief the owner of Capcom about my new job. I’d like to thank him for taking the time to meet with me. I also had a great time meeting many of my former colleagues. Thank you very much.
We'll again provide additional characters free of charge. We hope you will take this opportunity to play Melty Blood. #MBTL twitter.com/MB_LUMINA/stat…
MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA @MB_LUMINA 2021年9月30日 発売日決定しました。早期購入特典や、初回限定版の情報は公式サイト meltyblood.typelumina.com にて公開しています。 発売日公開トレーラーはコチラ youtube.com/watch?v=m0qmAI…