Yoshinori Ono(@Yoshi_OnoChin)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

5月1日、ディライトワークス株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任致します。新しいポジション、新しい分野へのチャレンジとなります。 これから接するコミュニティの皆様、宜しくお願い致します。 過去お世話になった方々、そして私が携わったゲームコミュニティの皆さん、今後とも宜しくお願い致します。
Mr. Kentaro Miura passed away. He passed away at the young age of 54. I can't watch the last volume of Berserk. I'm very sad and feel a sense of emptiness. I pray that he may rest in peace. twitter.com/livedoornews/s…
We hope everyone is excited for the release of Seth and Street Fighter V: Champion Edition this Friday! The team is working hard and wants to let #SFV players know that we’ll be making adjustments to the game’s netcode soon. We’ll share more details later. Thanks for the support!
Within several days, I will officially leave Capcom. I understand it’s standard for a general employee to make a resignation announcement AFTER the fact.Capcom has agreed that I am allowed to make the announcement approximately one month prior to my actual last day at the company
ディライトワークス株式会社は、新会社「株式会社ラセングル」を設立したことをお知らせいたします。 引き続き宜しくお願い致します。 delightworks.co.jp/news/20211228-… また、『社長の机』も更新致しました。 delightworks.co.jp/blog/onoblog/2…
ぁ・・・ そっか、 参戦させてなかったね・・・ 外した意図も意識もしてなかった・・・ ゴメン。 twitter.com/milkwhite923/s…
弊社 ディライトワークス(株)に関してお知らせが御座います。 delightworks.co.jp/news/20211215-… sme.co.jp/pressrelease/i… 今後とも何卒 宜しく御願い致します。
I wish I could have made this happen… I'm looking forward to the day when one of my juniors or former subordinates can make it happen. ;D twitter.com/FGAnniversarie…
Wow! I feel honored that you chose @StreetFighter for your illustration gemstone! ;D However this is too early, isn't it? Could you please wait for 10 years...? ;P twitter.com/Bosslogic/stat…
Thank you for the positive responses on our netcode announcement! Many players are asking about the timing for this, so I can share that the netcode update will happen next week after the server maintenance. For this week, please enjoy the release of #SFVCE and Seth on Friday!
I’d like to ask you guys a favor. If possible, could you please post pictures you took with me? I do have many memories with Street Fighter brand but realized that I don’t have a lot of actual visual records of them.
MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA is the top selling game on the STEAM platform at the moment. meltyblood.typelumina.com/en/ We are grateful for the support of many people. I'm very happy with the results of my debut as president of my new company. #MBTL
本日、ラセングルはSonyMusic・アニプレックスのグループに入りました。 DW時代からの「社長の机」も引き続きラセングルの公式サイトで更新をさせて頂きます。 今回の「社長の机」では、ラセングルの社名に関して 奈須きのこ さんよりメッセージを頂いております。 lasengle.co.jp/onoblog/202202…
Dear FGC, World Warriors. On May 1st, I will be moving from Capcom to another company. I'm going to be working at a studio that is a little different from the one I'm used to. I'm also going to be looking at development from a different perspective than in the past.
I lost a few years off my life... The #SFVAE team has been working very hard to share this special announcement! youtu.be/1jphoFlKEBM
Since this is coming from the SWT side,I can't make an equal judgment,but it's my personal opinion that it's not right to put restrictions on grassroots activities at this point.I think there were many ways to do this,such as treating it as sub-tournament of official tournament. twitter.com/SmashWorldTour…
I fully understand what you'd like to want to new information about SFV new season. So I have a lot of request about releasing SFV new contents from World Warriors. Could I please ask you to wait a little longer? Thank you for your understanding. #SFVAE
To joining to #EVO2019 I and Blanka hope you’ll have great time! Unfortunately I and Blanka will be not abel to joining Final event at there. We’ll be not able to having annual “SHO RYU KEN” X( However All New three characters will release after EVO SFV Final! Please enjoy!
MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA @MB_LUMINA 9月30日(木)発売です。 メルブラ新作が戻ってきます。何かのご縁で(笑)本作のパブリッシャーの社長業をさせて貰っています。「月姫」をプレイされた方々も是非プレイしてみて頂けると嬉しいです。 #メルブラ #MBTL youtube.com/watch?v=6tc9cY…
Cleaning up my offices at both Capcom Japan and Capcom USA, I felt that there is not much of photos. As the remembrance of my Street Fighter life, I’d greatly appreciate if you could share me pictures we took together.
Whaat!? No way, where can I get this product? ... Could it be that we didn’t realize that someone are making it? ;D Such item does not exist right now. Thanks! twitter.com/GameStopCanada…
I don't have SF6... Who ever said so? Our mind is only in one place, #SFVAE work! ;D
長年勤めてきたカプコンをあと数日で退職致します。 コミュニティの皆さんと接する形のプロデュース指針を続ける事が出来たことは、プレイヤーの皆さんの協力を頂けた事に尽きると感謝しております。本当に有り難うございました。 カプコンの今後のタイトルのサポートも是非とも宜しくお願い致します