Diese Bilder zeigen #HassanFirouzi und zeigen, wie schwer er gefoltert wurde. Seiner Familie wurde gesagt, dass er hingerichtet wird, sobald es ihm besser geht! Er hat seine Tochter seit ihrer Geburt kaum gesehen.Bitte sei seine Stimme. Sein Leben ist in GEFAHR.
30-year-old Isfahan protester #MajidKazemi whose torture-tainted confessions were also aired, has been sentenced to death on charges of moharebeh (enmity against god) and 10 years imprisonment. His brother Hossein wasn't mentioned in the judgement.
The death sentence was issued for 20 yo Baloch citizen #KambizKhorot on charges of "disturbing and rioting through war and corruption on earth" his death sentence was served on him in Zahedan prison December 13 He was subjected to torture and they don't let him choose a lawyer
In #Joanrud schießen sie auf Häuser und Menschen mit Kaliber 50 (gehört zu halbschweren Kriegsmaschinengewehren, die eine 20-cm-Mauer durchdringen können), lasst uns die Stimme von Jovanrud sein.
As we speak about World Cup ,the IRGC oppression forces are killing Iranian people including children and woman in Kurdistan, Iran. According to @HengawO there has been 13 verified death 7 in #Javanroud ,4 in Piranshahr ,1 in Dehgolan and 1 in Bookan.
#HastiNarouyi was murdered by the Islamic regime on the bloody Friday of Zahedan, 8 days before she turned 7 years old.
She was from a very unprivileged family. It took almost 2 months for the news to spread.
#IranRevolution2022 #MahsaAmini
While the media is busy with the football match, in #Zahedan, Iran, people are fighting for their basic human rights. They are shot and killed by the IRGC forces. Don't let another massacre take place in silence.
A Javanrud, Piranshahr, etc., ils utilisent des balles de guerre, du gaz hexachloroéthane (provoque de graves troubles du système nerveux) et d'autres armes de guerre contre les manifestants. Soyons la voix du peuple kurde.
#MohammadGhobadlu &
#MohamadBroghani are innocent. In a shame trial they sentenced to death for no reason & tonight
have been transferred to solitary confinement for execution. Please be their voice.
While IR regime footbal team is playing in #Qatar2022 protesters of Balouchestan are being shot and beaten by armed force in #Zahedan.
Hospitals in Javanroud are faced with a shortage of blood, but the repressive forces do not allow blood shipments to enter the Kurdish cities of Kurdistan, this is a genocide in Iran that was carried out by the Islamic Republic, be the voice of Kurdistan and Javanroud
As we are enjoying the #WALIRN games, #AmirNasrAzadani, the 26 years old midfielder has been arrested by the government in Isfahan. His only crime has been supporting the protestors and women’s rights in Iran! Be his voice!
#JavadRouhi, 35,Iranian protester with a mental illness was arrested at the beginning of Iran Prorests.
He has recently been charged “waging war against God” which is punishable by death under the Iran's laws. He’s at imminent risk of execution.
#MohammadGhobadlu is only 23 years old. He was sentenced to death in a court presided over by Salavati, and a few weeks later this sentence was affirmed in the Islamic Republic’s “Supreme Court.”Mohammad's life is seriously in danger.
Please be his voice
According to #MohammadBroghani and #MohammadGhobadloo 's family, they both are going to be executed tomorrow morning (Less than 5 hours).
헥사클로로에탄을 사용하는 테러리스트 이슬람 정권에 대한 보고가 있습니다. 중추신경계를 교란시키는 신경작용제. 그것은 #javanrud의 비무장 사람들에게 사용되고 있습니다. 반인도적 범죄의 확실한 증거입니다. 우리는 전 세계에 즉각적인 R2P를 요청합니다.
Das Internet der Städte Kurdistans wurde abgeschnitten und die Islamische Republik führt einen Völkermord in Kurdistan durch, lasst uns die Stimme der Kurden sein
Mansour Dehmordeh, 22, who has a disabled arm and leg, has been sentenced to death in Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, in connection with #IranProtests.
His nose & teeth were broken in detention, reports Haalvsh Baluchestan news. #StopExecutionsInIran
#HeimanHafarMostafai fr Marivan is incarcerated in Sanandaj prison.After his arrest in September he had disappeared until now. Due to torture, he has broken rips, teeth, fingers and toes and is sentenced to execution
Das Leben von #MohammadGhobadlou ist massiv in Gefahr! Der oberste islamistische Gerichtshof in Iran hat ihn wegen der Teilnahme an der #IranRevolution endgültig ohne Annahme einer Revision zu Tode verurteilt! Macht auf seinen Fall aufmerksam, um sein Leben zu retten
Больницы в Джаванруде столкнулись с нехваткой крови, но репрессивные силы не пропускают партии крови в курдские города Курдистана, это геноцид в Иране, осуществленный Исламской Республикой, будь голосом Курдистана и Джаванруда
In Javanrud, Piranshahr, etc., they are using war bullets, hexachloroethane gas (causes serious disorders in the nervous system) and other war weapons against the protesters. Let us be the voice of the Kurdish people
In Javanrud, Mahabad, Piranshahr und anderen Städten Kurdistans wurde von der Islamischen Republik ein Völkermord verübt, lasst uns ihre Stimme sein.
a girl who went outside the house to pray with her grandmother, and the officers of the Islamic Republic shot, a tear gas bullet also hit the head of #HastiNarouyi. She was killed eight days before his seventh birthday.
This is just a small part of what is happening in Iran.
Right now, at the same time as the match between Iran and Wales, people are protesting in Baluchistan, #Zahedan, and the repression force of the Islamic Republic is killing people with direct fire. #WALIRN #Qatar2022