I remain convinced that Raab & Braverman are determined to punish the entire legal profession for their own legal careers.
While Braverman’s deliberately & performatively vile comments deliberately focused on ‘bogus’ asylum seekers, her complete silence about genuine ones is even more despicable.
And expecting France to do ‘more’ while there are no safe routes into the U.K. is surely pie in the sky.
I imagine Truss is too embarrassed to make contact after the pathetic & childish insults she directed at @NicolaSturgeon during the leadership hustings. She certainly should be.
The question of whether or not he 'boasted' about it isn't even debatable. He categorically didn't. But it's too late for all the professionally furious commentators & their pocket military experts to beat a retreat. Even if they wanted to... twitter.com/LBC/status/161…
All sorts of Brexity/'think tank'/Spectatorish twonks are quote tweeting half-baked critiques of this. Quite rare for my clips. I wonder what they're all so worried about... twitter.com/LBC/status/157…
I don’t accept the premise that chuntering balloons should be able to become Chancellor. But here we are. twitter.com/AdamBienkov/st…
Once again, it’s absolutely ridiculous for royal correspondents who are the focus of Harry & Meghan’s criticism to be providing the coverage of Harry & Meghan’s criticism of royal correspondents. Like asking the accused to provide objective coverage of their own trial.
Public service broadcasting. twitter.com/Exploding_Head…
Good grief. twitter.com/electpoliticsu…
Frost, Hannan & Lilico competing to come up with the most batshit take. Again.
The caller, in his second language, was making a powerful & pertinent point that has been utterly vindicated by events. Johnson understands exactly what's occurring so makes a characteristically puerile 'gag' to undermine serious & important discourse. Hilarious. And here we are. twitter.com/AdamBienkov/st…
One reason why Johnson might have found it difficult to read Truss the riot act about security matters & phones… bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…
An important thread from the coal face of Brexit Britain’s self-inflicted idiocy. twitter.com/TOrynski/statu…
Perhaps the most damning indictment of Brexit is the way people who wanted & celebrated it are now absolutely desperate for it never to be mentioned again. Some of the replies here provide perfect examples. The challenge is to help them put national interest above personal shame. twitter.com/LBC/status/159…
What a time to be alive. twitter.com/10DowningStree…
Don’t forget that among the many, many traditions & institutions completely trashed by Boris Johnson, the notion of a ‘resignation issue’ was one of the most valuable checks. Even when he finally went he continued to refuse to recognise it. Kwarteng benefits from that. For now.
Feels very different now from when I used to deal with loads of these callers. The difference, I suppose, between fighting a fire that’s still raging & surveying the charred wreckage of a beautiful old building with a bloke who insists he prefers it that way. twitter.com/LBC/status/158…
These right-wing, middle class grifters had a wonderful head start in life (Toby Young's dad got him into Oxford), but are very miserable about where they've ended up. So they *need* both a bogus narrative of oppression & victimhood & lower profile losers to pay to be part of it.
I'm not sure the British media is successfully refuting Meghan's assertion that they want(ed) to destroy her.
Who is running this bizarre account, who is funding this bizarre 'organisation' & who will be even remotely surprised to learn of its deep links to IEA/Tufton Street? twitter.com/RestoreTrustNT…
What a mess. twitter.com/ElectionMapsUK…
Good to see Boris Johnson at Cop27 desperately trying to save h̶i̶s̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶e̶e̶r̶ the planet...
If you see the *Home Secretary* today, please show her this thread about the system she presides over & defends without remotely understanding… twitter.com/UNHCRUK/status…