A thoughtful & important thread. If this abject, unconscionable cruelty is not called out, it will continue & get worse.I have no intention of stopping. twitter.com/AndrewPRLevi/s…
The team of public figures taking on the Daily Mail highlights the fact that unless you possess enormous financial & emotional resources, you cannot even contemplate challenging a national newspaper. It is a massive flaw in our democratic framework.
I’m sure he’s delighted. twitter.com/georgvh/status…
Leveson 2 is long overdue.
These ghouls will lie about anything. If QAnon and 'anti-vaxx' propaganda didn't teach us that, perhaps this will. twitter.com/BowenBBC/statu…
She is alienating absolutely everybody. Rees-Mogg's turn today. It's quite remarkable. twitter.com/Steven_Swinfor…
It is officially a charity! Many people don’t realise this. twitter.com/openDemocracy/…
I imagine Truss is too embarrassed to make contact after the pathetic & childish insults she directed at @NicolaSturgeon during the leadership hustings. She certainly should be.
Apart from the fact that this was explained frequently during the referendum campaign as yet another reason not to leave the EU - and that people like me continue to point it out regularly - this is an excellent point from a trustworthy source that is categorically not panicking. twitter.com/BrugesGroup/st…
Rupert Murdoch's new TV channel is attracting fewer viewers than drying paint & this is happening to the Mail.
“It's not the despair, Laura. I can take the despair. It's the hope I can't stand." Brian Stimpson. twitter.com/scobie/status/…
Just in case you thought I was exaggerating when I said Truss was alienating *everybody*. Imagine the reaction to a Labour government doing this… twitter.com/breeallegretti…
Johnson's brief but unprecedentedly corrupting tenure as Prime Minister subverted all known norms & traditions so much that we're actually struggling to appreciate just how batshit & unsustainable Truss's tenure is proving to be. It's as if his awfulness warped political reality.
An area in which we can truly claim to be ‘world-beating’ & @DavidGHFrost senselessly sabotaged it. Presumably because it would have highlighted the ludicrous lie that abolishing our own freedom of movement somehow made us more free… twitter.com/TimmoWorldWide…
86% for the ‘Anti-Growth Coalition’! twitter.com/YouGov/status/…
Spoiler alert... twitter.com/KevinASchofiel…
A Prime Minister who resigned in disgrace with a record of making wholly unsuitable appointments probably shouldn't be doshing out any more peerages at all... twitter.com/lara_spirit/st…
Technically, it's the second worst. But none of them can admit that in public yet. twitter.com/D_Blanchflower…
I often think about this interview, possibly more than any I've done with a serving politician. We recorded it in February & his quiet but steely confidence in his own competence & integrity has become more relevant & important with every passing month. He feels like an antidote. twitter.com/xtattsbox/stat…
Who is running this bizarre account, who is funding this bizarre 'organisation' & who will be even remotely surprised to learn of its deep links to IEA/Tufton Street? twitter.com/RestoreTrustNT…
This is really good. twitter.com/johnharris1969…
Reaction to Nicola Sturgeon's claim that she 'detests the Tories' suggests that all the free speech pearl-clutchers might have a point after all. Problem is, they're now clutching their pearls about Nicola Sturgeon exercising her free speech. Perplexing.
This is a very worrying. Read the whole thread. twitter.com/drkatedevlin/s…