James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

A thoughtful & important thread. If this abject, unconscionable cruelty is not called out, it will continue & get worse.I have no intention of stopping. twitter.com/AndrewPRLevi/s…
The team of public figures taking on the Daily Mail highlights the fact that unless you possess enormous financial & emotional resources, you cannot even contemplate challenging a national newspaper. It is a massive flaw in our democratic framework.
I’m sure he’s delighted. twitter.com/georgvh/status…
Leveson 2 is long overdue.
These ghouls will lie about anything. If QAnon and 'anti-vaxx' propaganda didn't teach us that, perhaps this will. twitter.com/BowenBBC/statu…
She is alienating absolutely everybody. Rees-Mogg's turn today. It's quite remarkable. twitter.com/Steven_Swinfor…
It is officially a charity! Many people don’t realise this. twitter.com/openDemocracy/…
I imagine Truss is too embarrassed to make contact after the pathetic & childish insults she directed at @NicolaSturgeon during the leadership hustings. She certainly should be. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotla…
Apart from the fact that this was explained frequently during the referendum campaign as yet another reason not to leave the EU - and that people like me continue to point it out regularly - this is an excellent point from a trustworthy source that is categorically not panicking. twitter.com/BrugesGroup/st…
Rupert Murdoch's new TV channel is attracting fewer viewers than drying paint & this is happening to the Mail. “It's not the despair, Laura. I can take the despair. It's the hope I can't stand." Brian Stimpson. twitter.com/scobie/status/…
Just in case you thought I was exaggerating when I said Truss was alienating *everybody*. Imagine the reaction to a Labour government doing this… twitter.com/breeallegretti…
Johnson's brief but unprecedentedly corrupting tenure as Prime Minister subverted all known norms & traditions so much that we're actually struggling to appreciate just how batshit & unsustainable Truss's tenure is proving to be. It's as if his awfulness warped political reality.
An area in which we can truly claim to be ‘world-beating’ & @DavidGHFrost senselessly sabotaged it. Presumably because it would have highlighted the ludicrous lie that abolishing our own freedom of movement somehow made us more free… twitter.com/TimmoWorldWide…
86% for the ‘Anti-Growth Coalition’! twitter.com/YouGov/status/…
A Prime Minister who resigned in disgrace with a record of making wholly unsuitable appointments probably shouldn't be doshing out any more peerages at all... twitter.com/lara_spirit/st…
Technically, it's the second worst. But none of them can admit that in public yet. twitter.com/D_Blanchflower…
I often think about this interview, possibly more than any I've done with a serving politician. We recorded it in February & his quiet but steely confidence in his own competence & integrity has become more relevant & important with every passing month. He feels like an antidote. twitter.com/xtattsbox/stat…
Who is running this bizarre account, who is funding this bizarre 'organisation' & who will be even remotely surprised to learn of its deep links to IEA/Tufton Street? twitter.com/RestoreTrustNT…
This is really good. twitter.com/johnharris1969…
Reaction to Nicola Sturgeon's claim that she 'detests the Tories' suggests that all the free speech pearl-clutchers might have a point after all. Problem is, they're now clutching their pearls about Nicola Sturgeon exercising her free speech. Perplexing.
This is a very worrying. Read the whole thread. twitter.com/drkatedevlin/s…