James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

In response to today’s episode of stupid people who think they’re making a brilliant point: not only *should* Gordon Brown have gone to the country after becoming PM, he *would* almost certainly have done much better than he did in 2010.
Can't believe she didn't go with 'from Kiev to Kidderminster?'
A brilliant comedian went on the telly & pretended to be 'very right-wing'. He sounded absolutely ridiculous but also *exactly the same* as someone who really is 'very right-wing'. And that is why they're all so furious. It's not a mirror's fault when you hate what you see in it.
What fresh hell is this?
A perfectly normal story in a perfectly normal newspaper in a perfectly normal country.
Many would argue that Boris Johnson's erstwhile 'social justice adviser', Iain Duncan Smith's former 'chief of staff' & Lord Ashcroft's favourite house elf should apologise for his entire 'career'. twitter.com/montie/status/…
Viktor Orban fanboy says what? twitter.com/montie/status/…
Masculinity so fragile it’s threatened by peppermint-infused beverages can be briefly bolstered by chopping logs. Every day’s a school day. t.co/2KRQWOaFEg
This is why it's satire at its subversive best. He's ridiculing a medium so debased by lies that fact-free gibberish like Truss's is ordinarily treated with respect. Obviously, people with a vested interest in behaving as if the Emperor's fully-clothed are going to get the hump. twitter.com/MitchBenn/stat…
Great news for everyone who loses arguments because they’re demonstrably wrong. twitter.com/BBCPolitics/st…
If you speak too much truth to right-wing power, right-wing power won’t come on your TV & radio shows any more. It’s a major problem in this country & it won’t disappear with Boris Johnson.
Beyond brilliant. These ludicrous discussions & pretty much all political panels dance around the fact that we’re governed by dissembling imbeciles propelled to power by the epic lies of Brexit. Presenters like @bbclaurak are complicit. @joelycett just found the antidote. Genius. twitter.com/BeardedGenius/…
Would be nice to see this hit a million views before he actually hits the road… twitter.com/LBC/status/156…
If you’re marching around the place pretending that we haven’t become the first country in the world to impose economic sanctions on itself or that pretty much every problem we face hasn’t been exacerbated by Brexit, then I imagine it’s easy to claim that Johnson did a good job.
The continuing delusion that Brexit was in any way a good idea has turned the Tory party into a place where stupidity is rewarded & incompetence promoted. This, when you think about it, was absolutely inevitable. It can’t end until someone in the party starts telling the truth.
What fresh hell is this?
Ignorance is strength… twitter.com/REWearmouth/st…
Tim Wetherspoon’s pig ignorant plea to ‘get rid of the tariffs to make Brexit work’ is an unintentional but timely contribution to the BBC impartiality debate. If you ‘balance’ people who know what they’re talking about with people who patently don’t, you insult your audience.
With Johnson, honesty & integrity disqualified people from Cabinet roles. Because he had neither. With Truss, intelligence & expertise disqualify people from Cabinet roles. Because… twitter.com/ShippersUnboun…
This is for the benefit of people asking why London is excluded & anyone unaware that Shapps is borrowing the policies of Labour mayors. Manchester also already has a similar scheme. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
Reg YS65 WWC Keep ‘em peeled. twitter.com/HelenGradwell/…
Hmm. Bit disingenuous. I’m sure not deliberately… All bus journeys in London are already under £2 (£1.65). You can ride as many as you like within an hour of getting on your first one. The amount you can spend in an entire day is capped at £4.95, however many journeys you make. twitter.com/grantshapps/st…