James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

While Braverman’s deliberately & performatively vile comments deliberately focused on ‘bogus’ asylum seekers, her complete silence about genuine ones is even more despicable. And expecting France to do ‘more’ while there are no safe routes into the U.K. is surely pie in the sky.
Somebody very high up at the BBC should be asking very serious questions about why this simple statement of facts would have been impossible for @maitlis to make if she was still on their staff. Everyone still there should stop dancing around reality. The country deserves better. twitter.com/maitlis/status…
They used Farage's base racism to get Brexit over the line. Some of them quite happily, some of them holding their noses. Then Brexit made *everything* worse so they're resurrecting Farage's base racism to distract from the absolute mess they've made. No 'patriot' would let them.
This deliberate & inciteful hatred of humans, in this case refugees, is all they've got. It's all they've ever had. It's how Brexit happened. It's how Gullis ended up in Parliament & Braverman in the Cabinet. It's disgusting & wrong & the next shameful chapter has barely started.
The day after a migrant processing centre was fire-bombed, the BBC gets Farage out of the crypt. How very, very stupid.
It's been a while since I did a tweet about how, every time you think you've reached the bottom of the barrel another utterly appalling Tory MP pops up on the telly to lower standards still further. So cheers for that, Mark Spencer.
Oof. It's not as immediately damning as the lettuce comparison - but it will have a much longer shelf-life. twitter.com/Gilesyb/status…
Hard to argue with this. Not just a media, either. A government too. twitter.com/brokenbottlebo…
Bittersweet but the new genre of absolutely batshit Brexit columns adds enormously to the gaiety of the nation. Today's winners: 'Britain's economic problems have little to do with Brexit' in the Mail & an absolute doozy in the Telegraph comparing it all to the French revolution!
If you like brilliant television & haven't watched Professor T yet, watch it asap & thank me later. Just caught up with the final episode of series 2 & am once again absolutely gobsmacked by the brilliance of the scripts, the acting & the unfolding characterisations.
Braverman’s defence - and now Gove’s defence of her - is that she accidentally sent a sensitive document to someone who was not permitted to see it it while trying to *deliberately* send it to someone else who was also not permitted to see it. Ridiculous. inews.co.uk/news/politics/…
This is harrowing & horrible. And given Braverman’s ‘dream’ of deporting refugees, you have to wonder whether she also derives some sort of sick pleasure from treating these desperate & vulnerable people so appallingly. It’s all so very, very sad. thetimes.co.uk/article/suella…
One reason why Johnson might have found it difficult to read Truss the riot act about security matters & phones… bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…
For the umpteenth time, Johnson's depravity corrupts *everybody* he comes into contact with. Case surely can't survive this. Ditto Braverman & her latest leak. Truss has already gone. But last weekend the dregs of the post-Brexit Tory party wanted to give Johnson another chance! twitter.com/TLDRNewsUK/sta…
To get caught leaking one sensitive document may be regarded as a misjudgement... etc etc twitter.com/thejonnyreilly…
When the governing party completely trashes accountability, transparency & integrity, it stays trashed until the governing party is completely replaced. twitter.com/mikeysmith/sta…
An invaluable corrective to the profound dereliction of journalistic duty on display when BBC presenters talk of ‘moving on’ or not wanting to ‘relitigate’ Brexit. Their job, more than anyone’s, is to report the facts & few do it better than @BBCRosAtkins & team. Thank goodness. twitter.com/BBCRosAtkins/s…
“The way a government treats refugees is very instructive because it shows you how they would treat the rest of us if they thought they could get away with it.” Tony Benn didn’t get everything right but he was spot on with this one… twitter.com/matt_dathan/st…
This is excellent. theverge.com/2022/10/28/234… via @verge
Quite apart from the lies & obfuscation, many of us have sent emails of moderate to high importance over the years without accidentally sending them to entirely the wrong recipient. You'd think basic competence on security matters would be a prerequisite. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…