James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

The list of things that people agitating for Johnson's return clearly don't care about is incredible when you think about: corruption, law-breaking, cronyism, avoidable deaths, bullying, lying, rule-breaking, Russian spies, ethical breaches, trashing parliamentary standards etc
There was a distinct & presumably deliberate sense in Sunak's speech that he recognised some of the horrors of the last two administrations and was determined to avoid them. Instead, he's reappointed them
No words to express how fantastic I feel about this despicable, unemployed fuck’s ongoing obsession with me. @kelvmackenzie’s tortuous & epic mental anguish comes from the knowledge that he will be remembered for his disgusting lies about #Hillsborough & absolutely nothing else.
Braverman led expertly by @timloughton to the realisation that if she continues talking she will be forced to admit that the only way for a refugee to get here is in a dinghy. So she stops talking... twitter.com/PippaCrerar/st…
Remarkably, there is no catastrophe of Liz Truss’s creation that cannot be made worse by Liz Truss talking about it.
More than six years after the Brexit vote, the Daily Mail gives a full page to Daniel Hannan to explain why he has a better grasp of everything currently happening than Mark Carney, the Bank of England, the Economist, the IMF, the 'markets', credit agencies, the OBR, the IFS...
Johnson completely destroyed any claim the Conservatives could lay to probity, ‘family values’ or law & order. Truss & Kwarteng have torched any claim to fiscal responsibility. It’s hard to see what’s left.
The way Sunak seeks to portray nurses, postal workers, rail & bus staff, border force, paramedics etc as enemies of 'hard-working people' is as stupid as it is hideous.
Great question from Theresa May. Why haven't Labour built any new nuclear power plants over the last twelve years? Zinger.
The only thing we need to understand about Harry & Meghan is that if they don’t tell their story themselves, it will be told instead by ‘journalists’ whose livelihoods depend on denigrating them.
To think that these unutterable scumbags dared to call those of us sounding the alarm ‘unpatriotic’…
This is a party that's spent years successfully lying about Brexit being a good idea, Boris Johnson getting all the big calls right, Owen Paterson being innocent & people driving to Barnard Castle to test their eyesight. Claiming that there is currently no crisis is child's play.
The longer they put off a public appearance, the worse it gets.
In the absence of any explanation from @bbclaurak for her dereliction of duty yesterday, you have to assume that she chose not to upset The Sun editor from fear of the consequences. This would also explain why she has never spoken up for colleagues monstered by right-wing papers.
Jacob Rees-Mogg is accusing other people of being Luddites. Satire is dead.
It's remarkable how attitudes to both asylum-seekers and benefits claimants soften when the Daily Mail isn't raging against them every morning. I often wonder what the country would be like if stoking hatred & division hadn't proved so profitable for Rothermere, Murdoch & co.
The Murdoch/Barclay/Rothermere plutocracy wanted Brexit, wanted May, wanted Johnson & wanted Truss. And they got the lot. I have no idea what they'll want next but recent history suggests it won't be good for the rest of us.
I genuinely don't know what to say. Which is awkward because I'm live on the radio for the next three hours.
Sunak's going to be awful. But he's going to be *conventionally* awful. And that's almost a relief.
I'm increasingly convinced that these weird new TV channels set up by non-dom billionaires & staffed by various misfits & rejects are designed to create a media ecosystem in which right-wing politicians can pretend they're facing scrutiny while avoiding proper journalists.
Amazing how none of the people who insisted Brexit would be brilliant are taking any responsibility at all for it being rubbish. Arguably, even more amazing that people who knew it would be rubbish think they have to pretend it isn’t in order to get elected. What a sorry mess.
I did indeed tell them both to fuck off & would do so again in a heartbeat. I also told Tice that I wasn’t remotely interested in hearing about how much he enjoys my radio show. The rest, as you’d expect from an actual drunk with the criminal record to prove it, is bollocks. twitter.com/MediaGuido/sta…
If you were watching this overseas, without much knowledge of the state of UK politics, you'd take some serious convincing that this is a real politician and not a comedy skit you don't understand. twitter.com/BestForBritain…
As with Johnson, they queue up to defend the indefensible then feel a little bit more of their soul slip away when the policy is abandoned anyway.
'Jury's out' on Macron, BFF with the fascist. twitter.com/trussliz/statu…