James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

I remain convinced that Raab & Braverman are determined to punish the entire legal profession for their own legal careers.
This is why it's satire at its subversive best. He's ridiculing a medium so debased by lies that fact-free gibberish like Truss's is ordinarily treated with respect. Obviously, people with a vested interest in behaving as if the Emperor's fully-clothed are going to get the hump. twitter.com/MitchBenn/stat…
Hats off to the @LBC caller who just offered support for a new coal mine on the perfectly reasonable grounds that he opposes unlimited immigration.
Quite apart from the lies & obfuscation, many of us have sent emails of moderate to high importance over the years without accidentally sending them to entirely the wrong recipient. You'd think basic competence on security matters would be a prerequisite. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…
An invaluable corrective to the profound dereliction of journalistic duty on display when BBC presenters talk of ‘moving on’ or not wanting to ‘relitigate’ Brexit. Their job, more than anyone’s, is to report the facts & few do it better than @BBCRosAtkins & team. Thank goodness. twitter.com/BBCRosAtkins/s…
We all mourn in different ways, of course, but defending a man who misled the Queen about a matter of such constitutional importance is at best bizarre, at worst insulting to her memory. I understand why people balk so violently at being reminded of this. But I won’t be stopping. twitter.com/LBC/status/156…
These right-wing, middle class grifters had a wonderful head start in life (Toby Young's dad got him into Oxford), but are very miserable about where they've ended up. So they *need* both a bogus narrative of oppression & victimhood & lower profile losers to pay to be part of it.
I imagine Truss is too embarrassed to make contact after the pathetic & childish insults she directed at @NicolaSturgeon during the leadership hustings. She certainly should be. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotla…
If producers & presenters don't respect their audiences enough to demand transparency from guests, other guests can do it for them. A masterclass here from @DrTonyOSullivan. Kate Andrews was such an effective 'think tank' shill that @afneil gave her a job at the Spectator. twitter.com/JohnbwMayes/st…
The Daily Mail today gives a whole page to the IEA’s ‘Head of Lifestyle Economics’ (🤣) trying to disown the mini-budget that the IEA boasted about being responsible for. If I was secretly funding these idiots, I’d be demanding a refund.
Once again, it’s absolutely ridiculous for royal correspondents who are the focus of Harry & Meghan’s criticism to be providing the coverage of Harry & Meghan’s criticism of royal correspondents. Like asking the accused to provide objective coverage of their own trial.
The Retained EU Law Bill, brainchild of the ridiculous Rees-Mogg, is the legislative embodiment of Brexit xenophobia. It doesn't matter how effective or beneficial a law may be, all that matters it where it comes from. They are doing to laws what they have already done to people.
You turn if you want to…
The people who pretend that they supported Brexit to stop employers paying low wages are *exactly* the same people who insisted that employers could never afford to pay a legally enforceable minimum wage. Funny that.
Sorry to tweet it twice but this really is incredible. He’s basically saying that he has all the graphs & charts to *prove* that he’s not talking utter bilge but… they go to a different school. Lisa Nandy has Brexit hard man Steve Baker for her tea here. twitter.com/Haggis_UK/stat…
John Redwood is trending because he has said something sensible for the first time in his life. What a time to be alive! twitter.com/johnredwood/st…
Perhaps the only useful purpose served by the current Cabinet is to provide incontrovertible evidence of precisely the levels of incompetence, ignorance & idiocy required to flourish in the post-Brexit Conservative party.
Johnson's purge of reality-recognisers (aka Remainers) in 2019 was so significant. It created a party where dissent led inexorably to dismissal. Even if the threat isn't the same today, the legacy lingers. Hence *no* Tory MPs publicly breaking ranks with this madness in public.
I’m trying to retreat from my recent & uncharacteristic sweariness on Twitter but, goodness gracious me, it’s hard sometimes… twitter.com/Gabriel_Pogrun…
For a long time now, performing poorly in a government role has been no obstacle to promotion. Quite the opposite in fact. In ordinary times this would concern everybody. In Brexit Britain, however, ‘loyalty’ & ‘complicity’ are the only qualities that matter to Prime Ministers.
Might do a live commentary… twitter.com/trussliz/statu…