@elonmusk Should Elon shut up?
Did you notice how immediately after the "annexation" the 🇷🇺 cesspool threw all resources into talks about peace and peace negotiations? They accuse us of not wanting peace. All this delusion of the Pope and Ilon are signs that russia is in deep shit. And I like it. Good night
Amazing feeling to wake up and first thing you see - Crimean bridge on fire, almost destroyed. AHAHAHAHAHA. Happy Birthday, motherfucker!
75 rockets just in a first half of the day. Malls, parks, university’s. russia is a terrorist state and ALL russian supporters from anywhere in a world are my blood enemies with whom the dialogue possible only after they beg for forgiveness. Pure distilled hatred
No details,but we are actively preparing for a massive attack on the North and the joining of 🇧🇾 troops to hostilities.Everything is very serious so when I reading the positive forecasts of Western experts and medias,I get the feeling that we exist in slightly different realities
We have 12 Starlinks.
0 given by SpaceX.
0 given by US government. 0 accounts paid by @elonmusk
Henry Ford was supporting Hitler. Musk fall in love with Putin. Nothing new
In Bakhmut, our troops knocked out russians from the territory of the asphalt plant at Lumumba street. Wagner group spent two months and hundreds, if not thousands of lives, to capture this place. Only thing I feel sorry about Is that we are no longer there and can’t help guys.
The Japanese TV channel NHK made a film about my adventures. who can watch in Japanese today (the broadcast is valid only in Japan) twitter.com/nhk_etoku/stat…
What is actually happening:for the first time in hundreds of years of war, terror and genocide,🇷🇺 is getting shit from 🇺🇦 and a whole world is seeing that. No double interpretations,🇷🇺 will not be able to lie about these events in the future,as they used throughout their history
I just saw with my own eyes a rocket which cross the sky above my head and hit a power plant. No electricity in a whole region. Still better than negotiation with those bastards
No light. No gas. And it’s only beginning, cause on Saturday it will -6* in Kyiv. We are talking about dozen millions (!!!) of civilian people and the World who is still afraid to admit that this is pure genocide against Ukrainians. This winter will be tough.
Still morale in society is pretty high. I don’t see any chances that Ukrainians will give up even after russian rockets will destroy our energetic. I don’t know how we will survive till April, maybe we will burn all forests and furniture, but we will kill them all - that’s 100%
And a little reminder: russia is a terrorist state, most of russians are super happy about civilian people freezing and dying - they make a lot of jokes about it in their social media and tv-shows. Everyone who in any way justifies russia - my blood enemy.
It is despair that the Russians want to plant. Disappointment, not missiles and tanks are their main weapons. And here, as a realist, I see Ukraine's greatest hope - so far I don't see any hint of hopelessness and powerlessness between us. Only anger
I think the main thing is that we really feel support at the level of ordinary people. And this feeling, especially for civilians, it is that saving "shore" on which hope can lean. So thank you to all of you who build bonfires on the shore to give us direction in the storm.
Fucking animals. All Ukraine is under missile attack again. One thing this bollocks can’t get: it just make us more angry about them. And there were no examples in history when tactics of intimidation of civilians helped an army win a war. Cowards
On a New Year eve of 2023 my heart is full of hate. And I gladly allow this hatred to fill me so that it helps me to stop the existence of the historical error called "russia". And I wish you never to feel the way I feel now. Happy New 2023 year. And thank you for everything twitter.com/i/web/status/1…