Volodymyr Demchenko(@brokenpixelua)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

We need more weapon. We need tanks. We need artillery. We need planes. Good night.
What’s western media called “reducing military activity” near Kyiv for me looks like a column of rus tanks that arrived at night and sounds like a heavy battle 10 kilometers away from me. DO NOT BELIEVE ANY WORD SPOKEN BY THE RUSSIAN MOUTH. And read Sun Tzu. Good morning!
Good night from our squad to a whole free world.
Liberated villages looks awful. And not only cause damage. I was literally disgusted walking positions that rus left. A lot of empty bottles, dirt, vomiting. They literally slaughtered a pig IN A HOUSE and shit into a bucket. Gosh.
This is how every house look like after those animals stay in there.
They was sleeping and cooking next to this bowels
My friend Olexandr “Fog” Tumanov and our new toy.
Our friend Max Levin was killed by russains. He was great photographer who went through heavy battles in 2014 with a camera in his hands. Four minor children lost their father, Ukraine lost a talented artist, we lost a friend. Russians dis it.
So, yesterday I posted a picture of my friend “Fog” with captured heavy flamethrower system TOS-1. Couple hours ago he send me this video…he manage to find a reloading machine for it. Things become real. Fog’s Facebook to follow: facebook.com/profile.php?id…
Berlin today. Good work Germany! twitter.com/e8QVRXlmqrNjYa…
Morning in Ukraine starts from watching dead bodies of civil citizens and war crimes out of your window. Also our morning starts from news that @instagram BLOCKING hashtags #Bucha #BuchaMassacre and #GenocideOfUkrainians cause “community reports”.
Basically @instagram helping murders to hide they crimes cause it’s unpleasant to see. I don’t have any words. Zero. People, pls, help us to fight. We will fight with russian army and you can help us to fight our right to collect and represent crimes that russia did to us
So I found out that you folks doesn’t know how Russians call you. So now you know. And even those who lives in your county doing this. Actually they using this slur on popular TV show as well.
Guess who? Totally legend @johnsweeneyroar was spotted in its natural environment. Kyiv April 7 2022
After liberating a Chernihiv region I had a chance to meet my family who previously was cut off by 🇷🇺 troops. Tomorrow I’m heading to the East of Ukraine P.S. and yes that’s a “Trupm 2020” hat on my father. He is not supporter, but he said “it is really good for gardening”.
I don’t understand why western media and analysts constantly repeating that 🇷🇺 soon will start massive attack on the East of Ukraine. It’s already happening. It’s huge. And Ukraine need weapon. Picture by: facebook.com/nikitavltitov
I’m alive. In Kyiv currently. Look like city is slowly coming back to normal life, and for last 8 years funerals on Maidan become a part of this “normal life”. We are like old people who used to funerals and meet friends only there. The only thing that most of us is below 35
Let’s make it clear: those drama theater that Pope and his creative team decide to show as a story about brotherhood between 🇷🇺&🇺🇦 it is absolutely offensive and everyone here in 🇺🇦 is totally shocked about it and local Catholic Church as well.
Almost zero connection and electricity only from generator. I’m alive, but can’t tweet often. Will try to publish some diary’s on my Patreon.
I kept this secret weapon for a special occasion. In Kyiv I had a moment to meet this beautiful girl Miss Dog who was rescued by volunteers and who is now learning to love people again.She make a huge progress. Free for adopting in Kyiv.All questions and donation to @vesna_vosenu
There are enough Catholics,Orthodox,atheists and pagans in our battalion.There are several Muslims and one Pastafarian. Mutual respect,freedom of choice and truth.Congratulations to all believers on Orthodox Easter!Those who do not believe can simply join in eating holiday dishes
1/So what’s happening with me? Very next morning after missiles attack I came to a mobilization point of Ukrainian Volunteer Corps (ДУК) «Right Sector”. First Campaign I spent with them in 2014,2016. All this years we kept our connection.
A truly conscious life for me began in late February 2014, when 🇷🇺 mercenaries staged a massacre on the Maidan.I had no doubt that it was organized by the Russians.They wanted to punish us for daring to resist and at the same time cover up their operation in Crimea with chaos.