Volodymyr Demchenko(@brokenpixelua)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

What @TheAcademy did it’s not just ugly, but extremely dangerous. @navalny is an outright Nazi, chauvinist and imperialist. Don't buy into his "liberalism" like any unprincipled liar he says what is good for his career.
What is happening under Bakhmut just blows my mind. You may have seen it in WWII movies, but when it happens to your friends, to your former unit… to people you know and who text you the names of those who killed last 24H. And this is just the beginning
And thousands will come instead of one. Glory to the Hero!
how would you spent your only day off ? I, of course, went to do the traditional Ukrainian Nazi dance. Hava neranenah Hava neranenah Hava neranenah ve-nismeḥa
My mom says I’m special! Done!Only 50% of the cadets overcome these three weeks,and the majority went down precisely on the last three-day march.Follow updates while I’m recovering from a most grueling physical and psychological stress that I had to experience throughout my life.
More than 60к march. Winter river crossing. Chases and ambushes. The main and final test for the right to own a special operations forces beret starting right now. You could wish me a lot of good luck. 🍀
1/A year ago I was arguing with my GF about morning exercises,cause I wasn’t so happy about that. In March 2022, I end up under mortar fire and realized that 800 meters run is a long-long way, and almost unreal when you run with weapons and equipment.
-12°С (10°F) 12кm (7,5 mi) 20kg extra weight (44 lb) During the entire walk, I thought about only one thing: why the Americans and the British still haven't switched to the decimal system? For real!?
Viktor Onysko left this letter to his friend, and yesterday his wife published it on her Facebook. Victor was killed in action defending his family and country. He was my colleague - editing director- whom everyone knew and loved. Talented and bright. Forever in line. salute!
For obvious reasons I can't write all this crap to Olya now. Sorry who put this responsibility on you, after all, you are a writer so you will get a new drama out of this” (4)
Also tell Zacharia,but later after our victory,that I will always be with her because she has my legs, my nails and my sense of humor (and that's the best ;) (3)
Still there is no task that is worthy of Olha embraces. I will do everything possible and impossible to get out of there alive and get my platoon out of there,but the fight will be epic. We will beat all crap out of the 🇷🇺,so they will shit with blood and wouldn’t forget it (2)
“My friend, I have something to tell you. If I don't survive the next 3-4 days, I instruct you to convey to my Ola that it wasn’t for nothing and that wasn’t a mistake of our commanders. It's just that we have a difficult and heroic task and it will cost lives. (1)
On the positive side: last year, everyone was afraid of war and there was no chance of victory, no options for the defeat of russia. On this New Year eve we consider the defeat of Russia as a very real possibility. This is a very big deal. Let’s finish it!
On a New Year eve of 2023 my heart is full of hate. And I gladly allow this hatred to fill me so that it helps me to stop the existence of the historical error called "russia". And I wish you never to feel the way I feel now. Happy New 2023 year. And thank you for everything twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
I’m more than alive and had a chance to left a forest and share a dinner with one pretty strange dude who looks like Santa but wearing an orange hat. How are you, people? What’s going on in outside world?
This is for real. ……………………… russians did it
This man was one of my first commanders back in 2014. A person who never shouted at soldiers, because he knew that all of them were not soldiers yesterday. Cosmic sense of justice. Confidence and courage. Valeriy Krasnian - killed in action fighting a horde of barbarians
Fucking animals. All Ukraine is under missile attack again. One thing this bollocks can’t get: it just make us more angry about them. And there were no examples in history when tactics of intimidation of civilians helped an army win a war. Cowards
And while I was writing all this philosophical mush, a wet puppy came out of the forest to me. I don't even know where it came from, but he clearly likes to warm his ass by the fire. I will be his shore of hope today and will throw more wood into the fire
I think the main thing is that we really feel support at the level of ordinary people. And this feeling, especially for civilians, it is that saving "shore" on which hope can lean. So thank you to all of you who build bonfires on the shore to give us direction in the storm.
It is despair that the Russians want to plant. Disappointment, not missiles and tanks are their main weapons. And here, as a realist, I see Ukraine's greatest hope - so far I don't see any hint of hopelessness and powerlessness between us. Only anger
Again:waiting is psychologically the hardest part of anything,whether it's a war or a trip to the dentist.From long waiting comes fear,fear gives rise to despair,despair is ready defeat. You should read a memoirs of Alain Bombard a 🇫🇷 doctor who studied survival in sea disasters
I have been sitting in the forest for a month now, waiting for further orders. Actually, I have a lot of news, but there is none that I have the right to tell right now. The biggest problem for soldiers, so far, is the lack of leave and the opportunity to see relatives.
And a little reminder: russia is a terrorist state, most of russians are super happy about civilian people freezing and dying - they make a lot of jokes about it in their social media and tv-shows. Everyone who in any way justifies russia - my blood enemy.