
A message to #india Prime Minister Modi @PMOIndia , We are disillusioned and disappointed why you are taking the course you are taking, This will have implications. We are Legion ! We do not FORGIVE ! We do not FORGET ! we are relentless. We are #Anonymous #ukraine Expect Us
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This is why we do what we do ! we stand with the oppressed people ! we are #Anonymous ! Expect Us…
Гражданам России необходимо скачать Tor Browser или получить VPN для доступа к Twitter. Путин пытается подвергнуть цензуре правду. Russian citizens need to download Tor Browser or get a VPN to access Twitter Putin is trying to censor the truth. 🇺🇦💙💛 Help get the message out
A request if you are aware of any @telegram channels that handle misinformation please let us know. We are aware from flyers there are a few in circulation. We would like the details please.🇺🇦💙💛💙💛
Mr Putin ! Mr Lukashenko ! We are at war ! Only you can stop this. @KremlinRussia_E @BelarusMFA Are you listening ? Do we have your attention ? #Anonymous
Poland / Moldova / Romania / Slovakia - Thank you for supporting - humanising the refugee crisis from #ukraine ! We thank you good citizens of the world #russia has a price to pay !
Гражданам России необходимо скачать Tor Browser или получить VPN для доступа к Twitter. Путин пытается подвергнуть цензуре правду. Russian citizens need to download Tor Browser or get a VPN to access Twitter Putin is trying to censor the truth. #Anonymous -we are at war !🇷🇺🇺🇦
PLEASE RETWEET How you can help! If you don't know how start by exposing and reporting disinformation, it's an important job during these times. Your Voice is your POWER! #Anonymous 🇺🇦 #Ukraine The Truth Never Lies -We are at war with the #Russian and #Belarusian Federation
Hello Citizens of the World -We are #Anonymous We are a global collective ! We are Legion ! We read all your messages - Help US get the message out - 💙💛FOLLOW US - RETWEET US. Get the message out of misinformation and the oppressive regimes of @KremlinRussia_E @realALukashenko
Hackers all around the world: target #Russia and #Belarusian in the name of #Anonymous Let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget. #Anonymous owns fascists, always.
Російське космічне агентство наразі закрито. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ми не зупинимося, поки ти не зупинишся. #Анонім #Україна #росія Ми Легіон! Ми не прощаємо! ми не забуваємо! Ми у війні!
how did that happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯…
Mr Putin ! do you remember us ? #Russia - We like giving presents ! @KremlinRussia_E #Anonymous #OpRussia #AnonymousUkraine
We read all your messages - Help US get the message out - FOLLOW US - RETWEET US. Get the message out of misinformation and the oppressive regimes of @KremlinRussia_E @realALukashenko
Mr #Lukashenko you have not heeded our warnings ! You were warned - The Anonymous collective is officially in cyber war against the #Belarusian government. #Anonymous #Ukraine We are Legion ! We do not Forgive ! ! We do not Forget ! We are Relentless - Expect Us ! 🇺🇦
How did that happen ? 😇…
PLEASE RETWEET How you can help! If you don't know how to help out, start by exposing and reporting #Russian disinformation, it's an important job during these times. Your Voice is your POWER! #Anonymous 🇺🇦 #Ukraine The Truth Never Lies -We are at war with the #Russian Federation
The Anonymous collective is officially in cyber war against the #Russian and #Belarusian governments. #Anonymous #Ukraine Mr Lukashenko Mr Putin - We are at War ! Do you hear us ! We are silent !
Народ України! Ми чуємо Вас! Невинні люди #Росії та #Білорусі! Встаньте проти пригнічення та дезінформації. Ми з тобою! - Ми невблаганні! #Anonymous
Reason for our silence earlier today was that @Twitter blocked our account. Thank You @Twitter- We are Legion ! We do not forgive ! We do not forget ! #Anonymous 🇺🇦 #ukraine
Database of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia ►… ► #OpRussia #StopWar🇺🇦
@ZelenskyyUa how can we help@you more, break protocol ! we are here to support - we are legion - you can dm us. We are #Anonymous
Mr Putin you think this is acceptable ? you are losing the war ! you have nothing to hold onto ! #Anonymous…
Top Russian Social Media sites to join to get out the misinformation #OpRussia. Найпопулярніші російські соціальні мережі, щоб приєднатися, щоб показати росіянам, що відбувається в Україні: VK . com ГАРАЗД . Ru Мой Мир мій. пошта . ru RuTube . ru (російська версія Youtube)