Sberbank of Russia Shares at auction in London fell by 75% for the day
#OpRussia #Anonymous
Russian News agency - Hacked by #Anonymous thedailybeast.com/tass-site-hack…
Mr Putin are you listening ? are you watching ? We are Legion ! We are Relentless ! We do not Forgive ! We do not Forget ! We are at War ! #Ukraine we are listening ! Russians Hear Us ! 🇺🇦
mos.ru currently down
customs.gov.ru currently down
kremlin.ru currently down
pfr.gov.ru currently down
Hackers all around the world: target #Belarus in the name of #Anonymous
Let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget. We are united. We are relentless
#Anonymous owns fascists and oppressors. #OpBelarus
We do check all your messages ! We hear you ! #ukraine Mr Putin and his oppressive manners will NOT prevail. HOW You can support us by getting the truth out there. We do NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS - Sites asking for donations are FAKE. #Anonymous Putin - Expect More ! 🇺🇦
Those asking how you can help! If you don't know how to help out, start by exposing and reporting #Russian disinformation, it's an important job during these times. Your Voice is your POWER! #Anonymous 🇺🇦 #Ukraine The Truth Never Lies - We are at war with the #Russian Federation
We call on the #russian people to protest ! Мы призываем великий народ России выступить против угнетения и фашизма! мы призываем вас проявить силу
To the people of #Belarus we have no quarrel with you however if you support Lukashenko or the Belarus Government then we cannot stand by and watch- We will take action ! we are legion ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! we are #Anonymous #ukraine 🇺🇦
Mr Lukashenko ! We give you this warning our only warning. We call on you to stop your support of Mr Putin ! We give you this opportunity. The only opportunity #Anonymous
We've mentioned our actions are not against the Russian people, but against Putin and the Russian government. We've also mentioned that we totally support the Russian people standing up against Putin on our timeline.
The people of Russia have a choice to make. Stand up? Or sit?🇺🇦
We read all your messages ! We hear you ! We have resource ! We stand together ! To the #ukrainian people - we are listening - to the #Russians Hear Us ! 🇺🇦
We as a united collective only want peace in the world and humanity to prevail ! This is why we do what we do !🇺🇦
#Anonymous have ongoing operations to keep .ru government websites offline, and to push information to the #Russian people so they can be free of Putin's state censorship machine.
We also have ongoing operations to keep the #Ukrainian people online as best we can.🇺🇦
🇺🇦Гражданам России необходимо скачать Tor Browser или получить VPN для доступа к Twitter.
Путин пытается подвергнуть цензуре правду.
Russian citizens need to download Tor Browser or get a VPN to access Twitter.
Putin is trying to censor the truth. #Anonymous -we are at war!🇺🇦
🇺🇦We have been silent for far too long !
#Russia Expect More. We are Legion! We are United with Ukraine ! We are #anonymous We do not forgive ! We do not Forget ! FOLLOW US🇺🇦
Those asking how you can help! If you don't know how to help out, start by exposing and reporting #Russian disinformation, it's an important job during these times. Your Voice if your POWER! #Anonymous 🇺🇦 #Ukraine The Truth Never Lies - We are at war with the #Russian Federation
Russian Military's radio station UVB-76, also known as "the buzzer", has been Neutralised. We are Legion ! We do not Forgive ! We do not Forget
#UkraineWar #ukraine #Russia 🇺🇦. Mr Putin are you listening ?
🇺🇦#StandWithUkriane We have been silent for far too long ! #Russia Expect More. We are Legion ! We are United with Ukraine ! We are #anonymous We do not forgive ! We do not Forget ! FOLLOW US 🇺🇦
We do check all your messages ! We hear you ! #ukraine Mr Putin and his oppressive manners will NOT prevail. You can support us by getting the truth out there. We do NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS - Sites asking for donations are FAKE. #Anonymous Putin - Expect More ! 🇺🇦