
back to those days where this was maybe the first real haobin interaction after the “we’ve so many similarities” dorm scene. made us lose our minds 😭 #센터즈 #하오빈 #haobin
this will never be not funny. it’s chaos in the circle but you have ricky zihao kuanjui hao shuaibo and jinxin just huddled together using each other for support and watching the show around them
someone on reddit did a whole analysis on hao’s violin playing, and i think it’s really insightful. also this comment because same. playing paganini at 3 years is 😲 (*though i think he had some sort of musical background, possibly in classical piano since it’s most common)👇🏻 twitter.com/jjanghao0725/s…
haobin mcs to share a message for girls’ education 😭😭😭 esp since they’re teachers
hao does this thing where he rests his head on the shoulder & buries his face into the neck of the person he’s hugging during really tender moments. it feels very personal & earnest in a quiet gentle way, & very hao-like 😭 * he’s hugging hanbin, kuanjui, keita, jeonghyeon 👇🏻
im still here because i just realised the contrast between gunwook being so careful & delicate when picking up the rose thinking which part of the audience to throw it to vs hao just yeeting it as he turns around to wave at the camera 😂😂😂
there’s been tiny discussions on wb about how hao looks a lot like a ghibli character 🥹 sharing some personal favs <1/2/3 - seiji from whisper of the heart, 4 - sho from arrietty> #장하오 #ZHANGHAO #章昊
i’ve never come across a survival competition that birthed a relationship like the one sung hanbin & zhang hao share - where 2 contestants, who should see each other as competitors, see each other as an indispensable companion in their journey of growth instead #성한빈 #장하오 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[ sung hanbin whose gentle words carry the warmest heart 🩵 ] #성한빈 #SUNGHANBIN #SungHanbinOnPoint bringing this one back. instead of reaching out to doha by saying “do you want a hug”, he said “will you give me a hug”
[ super long thought piece on HaoJui's friendship from DB ] * took me awhile to compile. i just hope the translation carries across op's heart for them #陳冠叡 #CHENKUANJUI #천관루이 #チェンクァンルイ #ZHANGHAO #장하오 #章昊 #ジャンハオ
<predebut haojui : on rui's 1st birthday away from home>
<haojui : box challenge>
bin 😭 hao’s pointing at you because it’s your school. why are you mirroring him, he went to uni in fujian 🥲
한비나아~ 하오형! ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
🎻 Hao playing : The Girl Who Fell From The Sky (Castle in the Sky) ☁️ #장하오 #章昊 #ZHANGHAO
someone on xhs highlighted this from a fancam of hao’s p01 mmt: hao looked completely lost & blanked out at the beginning (unable to process the info). then he saw kuanjui in tears on the big screen, which made him look for rui in the stands, that’s when it started to sink in 😭
[ tiny thought ] haobin’s favourite time of the day sung hanbin chose 새벽, dawn, the beginning of twilight before the sun rises zhang hao chose 傍晚 6pm, “傍晚” means nightfall, the coming of the night both chose times of the day where the sky splits into a myriad of colours
another angle of this moment when hao bursts into tears after bin tells him that where he’s seated suits him 🥹 but this vid highlights how taerae & gunwook comforted him. taerae turning to check on hao every few seconds gunwook sharing reassuring words 😭
reason for haohao giggling during this part in say my name = hanbin 😗 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
hao’s physical proportions.. shoulders: super wide waist: super tiny hands: super large ankles: super slim 🥲 twitter.com/oopsrcc/status…
[wb: on the convo in the bg] hanbin: woah look at this.. gunwook: isn’t this (uniform) hanbin hyung’s? and this hao hyung’s. hao: that’s right.. it’s ours.. hanbin ahhh~ <맞아..우리꺼야~한비나~> hanbin: woahh~ op says they’re going crazy cos of hao’s cutesy tone 😂 #장하오
tp: #장하오 i’m not sure if many know but it’s quite common for 🇨🇳 chinese (aged around 10-40s) to be an only child due to the one-child policy imposed from 1980-2015, though the law was relaxed around end 2013. which is why it’s a gargantuan deal, for hao
haohao. is this you? ** did i mention im a haowriting fan 😂