Lijian Zhao 赵立坚(@zlj517)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

The #US is the ONLY country that still possesses chemical weapons. The #US has twice missed the deadline for destruction of its chemical weapons.
Media reveal that the #US Embassy in #Ukraine has deleted from its website all documents about Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine recently.
Taiwan is part of China, a fact supported by history and law.
🚄 Go! Chinese high-speed trains!
So that's why a certain country's been at war over 90% of the time in its more than 240-year-long history.
Food court, Changsha, #China.
Look at China's RMB banknotes: Tibetan, Uyghur, Mongolian and Zhuang languages are printed beside mandarin. What about USD banknotes?
Red leaves of Xiangshan, Beijing
Night in Guangzhou.
Today is the Spring Festival of the year of the Tiger. I sincerely wish you a happy Chinese New year, happiness and health!
Guilin, China
With about 850 bases in over 90 countries worldwide, US military intervention is everywhere.
Wish you a happy and sound Dragon Boat Festival! 端午安康!
Some Western politicians always love lecturing others, because they still have colonial mentality.
Interview to Duane Clarridge, former #CIA Chief in #LatinAmerica Accordingly, the US is gonna overthrow any democratically elected government whenever it serves their ‘national security interest’ and ‘the world should just get used to it’. Right?
"This is extremely dangerous to our democrazy."
All glory goes to the workers. On the occasion of the International Labor Day, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday! 劳动最光荣,祝五一节日平安快乐!
The US massacred more than 174,000 people in Afghanistan.
This 3D screen is awesome! I’d like to give the panda a high five✋!
Congratulations! China launched its third aircraft carrier "#Fujian". The carrier was completely designed and built by China and is China's first domestically-made carrier that uses catapults.
When #US invaded a sovereign country like #Iraq or #Afghanistan and killed civilians including women and children, it's "collateral damage" rather than a "war crime".
Tragedy repeats itself again and again.
Eid Mubarak! Wishing you and your family a healthy, safe and happy Eid! Many thanks for your support for China and the spokesman's office!
The biological military activities of the US in Ukraine are merely the tip of the iceberg. There are 336 biological labs in 30 countries under its control.
China expresses its strong condemnation and great indignation at this major terrorist attack. China expresses its deep condolences to the unfortunate victims, the injured and their families.