Lijian Zhao 赵立坚(@zlj517)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Who is the biggest threat to world peace, the data tells it all...
One brings hope. One takes lives.
Wells in #Africa aided by #China to get clean water. So heartening to see the big smiles!
Before NATO "humanitarian intervention" and After NATO "humanitarian intervention"
The U.S. bombs, China builds.
The US has stolen more than 18 billion dollars from Libya.
بدین وسیله فرا رسیدن چهل و سومین سالگرد روز ملی جمهوری اسلامی ایران را به دولت و ملت دوست ایران صمیمانه تبریک می گوییم و بهترین آرزو را عرض می نماییم. سعادت و بهروزی را برای کشور و مردم ایران آرزومندیم. پیشرفت های بی وقفه ای را برای مشارکت جامع راهبردی چین و ایران آرزومندیم.
American Blockchain
Actions speak louder than words.
Dear friends, many thanks for the blessings on my birthday. I wish you all every success in the career and every happiness in your life!
At the invitation of State Councilor & FM Wang Yi, FM Bilawal of Pakistan will pay an official visit to China from May 21 to 22.
Night in Xi 'an.
The national flag guards raised the Chinese national flag at Tiananmen Square in Beijing on August 1, the 95th anniversary of the founding of the #PLA. Happy anniversary!
Sunrise in the Summer Palace, Beijing.
History speaks for itself.
Football fans in Belgrade hold banners with name of nations bombarded by the US, such as Afghanistan & Syria. It is the US which never gives peace a chance, past or present!
Xi 'an, Chinese hamburger.
Only the majority stands for the international community.
I can't breathe.
Wake up! It's G7+1 VS 160+ on the #Taiwan issue!
Never behave like the CNN. 做人不要像CNN
Change in population of #nativeAmericans in the #US vs #Uyghurs in #China. Which one would you call #genocide?
As US-waged wars in #Iraq, #Syria, #Afghanistan & other places have caused 330,000 civilian deaths & turned over 26 million people into refugees, the US should sincerely beseech the intl community to forgive it, rather than lecture others on human rights in a condescending manner
#Wuhan of China. Where the ancient and the modern meet.
President Xi Jinping: No one should underestimate the great resolve, the strong will and the extraordinary ability of the Chinese people to defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity.