Latest article with Col. Lawrence Sellin & @lude_media
“The extent of influence by pro-CCP operatives in 🇺🇸 elections & their possible coordination have yet to be fully evaluated, but the preliminary evidence warrants further investigation.”
Congratulations 🎉!
Please follow Col. Lawrence Sellin @LawrenceSellin, his investigations on Origin of #COVID outline the secret military-civil fusion network of CCP’s scientists and their infiltration overseas, esp.🇺🇸!
Thank you, Elon @elonmusk 👍 twitter.com/LawrenceSellin…
Sen @marcorubio on 🇺🇸 and 🇨🇳 - one of two endings:
Either it’ll be a story of how a rising authoritarian power replaced a free society ... all the worst aspects of human nature. Or the story of how people of 🇺🇸, the freest, most successful nation, rallied around the truth. twitter.com/DailySignal/st…
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Wolf-warrior style is encouraged under principle of Xi Jinping’s Fighting Spirit “Dare to fight, Be good at fighting”. Xi centralized power, celebrated the trophy of #COVID, & became the Emperor. His ambition is far from satisfied.
@TheChiefNerd Dr. Fauci still tried to deny the gain-of-function (actually WEAPONIZATION) in the development of #COVID19 in CCP-PLA’s labs.
The compromised scientists are essential in Xi Jinping’s Unrestricted Bioweapon Program. Without their efforts, the pandemic cannot be so destructive!
Still trust Xi-CCP regime?!
Xi-CCP can’t abandon Russia -Both regimes share the same value of anti-humanism, and have established joint force to beat the civilized countries, esp. 🇺🇸!
Xi won’t stop providing financial, intelligence and military support to Putin. Don’t be CHEATED! twitter.com/nypost/status/…
Well, the folly and cruelty of CCP regime are alway far beyond what their partners can imagine.
#ScientificMisinformation twitter.com/Reuters/status…
Today is National Day in 🇨🇳. Let’s talk about Xi JinPing & his weasel-fart-tactics: A rumor of “China Coup” - Why does his team creat & promote it? Besides insiders, what necessary for a real coup against Xi-CCP?
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Sat/Sun 9amET
Echo 4pm
Here is my article on Nature magazine in May, 2020.
As a co-first author, we are the first to test the high transmissibility and pathogenicity of #COVID19 virus, using the correct animal model Golden Hamster.
CCP & PLA underestimated the transmissibility!
Don’t trust Chinese Communist Regime any more!
#BoycottWinterOlympics twitter.com/EnesFreedom/st…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep20
• CCP officials told the media that #COVID death toll in 🇨🇳 doesn’t matter. Yes, they really don’t care about it as long as Human Mine is available to sustain the regime
• CCP’s Recognition war is applied in the origin of COVID
I sincerely appreciate that @RepAndyBiggsAZ has made huge efforts, pursuing the truth of #COVID19 origin for people.
Rep Biggs was among the first legislators in the House to push the investigation of #COVID19 origin forward! twitter.com/RepAndyBiggsAZ…
畢竟習主席親自指揮的對台「十六字方針」是「圍而不攻」- 以「和平統一」為幌子,而非一戳就癟的紙老虎「武統」。這種操作和台灣國防部發言人半月前針對路德社情報的聲明異曲同工,真是頗具紅色風範呀! twitter.com/RFA_Chinese/st…
To note, all the data related to #COVID are controlled by National Health Committee, which was established in 2018 as tongue of CCP-Xi regime in medical field. If the data don’t fit CCP’s political purposes, the project will be suspended. It’s part of the unrestricted tactics.
Here is one post from a student hall in Tsinghua University. It says “SB Xi Jinping” (Stupid Bxxxsxxx Xi Jinping).
Seriously, according to National Security, it would be charged of disclose State Secrets by CCP.
Emperor Xi’s New Clothes are so transparent 🙈 twitter.com/Suyutong/statu…
In this picture:
Left: Prof. Linfa Wang, “bat man” in CCP’s military-civil fusion Unrestricted Bioweapon program
Middle: Prof. Zhengli Shi, “bat woman”in the same program, who learnt from Linfa Wang
Right: 🇨🇳Xi model?🤔
What else except for #COVID19? twitter.com/CharlesRixey/s…
@MarioNawfal To clarify, COVID-19 virus was intentionally released out of the BSL-3/4 lab for certain purposes. But it got out of control accidentally cos CCP underestimated the high transmissibility. Such unrestricted bioweapon can’t escape accidentally out of the lab and cause such disaster
Sometimes, Dr. Fauci told the truth 🤓 twitter.com/backtolife_202…
1. 路德社節目爆出中共高層對台空軍秘密策反計畫,請問台國防部如何在24小時內查證並確認不存在?
2. 共碟在台灣滲透之深之廣有目共睹,歷史上亦有據可查,台灣促統親共之人在軍政商屆大肆替中共行動,為何國防部在一日之內斷定無依據?難道不應警戒嗎? twitter.com/new27brigade/s…
@nuomt CD38不是出血热病毒的一部分基因。是感染某些出血热病毒后人体出现的异常免疫细胞会表达的一种蛋白(病变过程中可以天然出现的)。所以ccp认为用达雷妥由可以杀死这些异常的免疫细胞,达到治疗效果。
The very suspicious SARS2 variants including delta, kappa and omicron. The immune escape mechanism and novel variants Vs mAbs. Maybe it’s the time to talk about it with our findings during the investigation. twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
A dialogue between global consultant & active COVID researcher Omar Khan, with famed firebrand & medical leader, clinical pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole @drcole12
Asking Larger Questions: Beyond COVID to Real Health
@JamieMetzl Recently, PLA scientists Wei Liu, LiQun Fang and “Bat Man” LinFa Wang (Master of Batwoman in WIV) FOUND a new “zoonotic” virus Langya, which is potentially lethal and infected 35 people in 🇨🇳?
Meanwhile, Wei Liu is awarded by CCP & a special video was promoted to praise her work!