Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Please follow Colonel. Lawrence Sellin on Gab @LawrenceSellin. Twitter has banned him unfairly. twitter.com/dezying/status…
When everyone believed Xi JinPing’s words in early 2020, the #COVID pandemic came to you. Trust Xi again? 🙉 #StrategicDeception twitter.com/chineseciv/sta…
Analysis of the CCP’s People's War headed by Xi - By co-host of Lude Media @Dr_Mo2019 Key word: People’s war, as for CCP, means to use the lives, property & resources of the whole Chinese &overseas Chinese as war’s tools & weapons to start a war. English👇🏻 axisact.github.io/strategy/004.h… twitter.com/VocZj/status/1…
“When acquired by nation-state adversaries such as China🇨🇳, Iran, Russia, and North Korea, advanced technologies can be used in new or novel ways to enhance their military capabilities or support mass surveillance programs that enable human rights abuses.” commerce.gov/news/press-rel…
However there are still numerous active bots and cyber army from CCP on Twitter @elonmusk! If you search my name, there are lots of fake accounts. Meanwhile, they post propaganda to cover up #COVID origin and act as part of CCP’s unrestricted war against 🇺🇸. Please stop them! 🙏🏻 twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep17 The outbreaks in 🇨🇳 came out simultaneously nationwide right after zero COVID policies were changed. Still unclear whether it’s caused by mutants only or not. However, the chaos is related to the invisible control of government. americaoutloud.com/the-real-post-…
I applied the Twitter Blue label several months ago. After checking my documents, Twitter rejected it without any reason! @elonmusk
@COVIDSelect @RepJohnJoyce @JohnRatcliffe There were many opportunities to AVOID #COVID19 pandemic by CCP regime, after 🦠 got out of control in Wuhan. I tried to prevent it by revealing the truth since 19 Jan 2020 with @lude_media. However, Emperor Xi made the evilest decision to spread it all over the world! #Tribunal
殞命與呼和浩特市清零運動的女士,再一次不幸被習共國做成了人血饅頭。官媒表態「任何磨難都不是放棄生命的理由」:「這樣不斷地在磨難中跨越,堅定目光,堅持腳下的路,營造母慈子孝其樂融融的生活環境,完成承擔的責任,實現生命的意義不是更好嗎?」 這明明是在地獄裡鼓勵鬼的「正能量」!🤬 twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Sounds like a 🐺 and a 🐯 claim to work together to promote a happy and free life for 🐑 twitter.com/newsmax/status…
Totally agree with Rep. Gallagher @MikeforWI on GOP’s proposal of the special House Committee on Origin of #COVID19! It’s necessary and we have been waiting so long! twitter.com/VOAChinese/sta…
What happened in the post #ZeroCovid 🇨🇳? What do we need to be aware of in ongoing huge outbreaks in 🇨🇳? Is such chaos another tactic for CCP-Xi regime? More information in The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Congratulations to our good friend Dr. Craig @drcraigwax 🎉 Please let more people hear your voice 😃 twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD…
Update: The investigation of #COVID19 makes Xi Jinping regime so nervous! So CCP launched more attacks to discredit me. Meanwhile, they spread misinformation to hinder the investigation. According to CCP’s instructions, CCP’s agents in 🇺🇸 are busy now, as shown here👇🏻
What a surprise to Xi JinPing at the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to CCP 🇨🇳! CCP’s Unrestricted Bioweapon is a boomerang 😜 #COVID19 #UnrestrictBioweapon twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
The audio version of Life Lessons with Dr. Bob - Ep 12: Today Dr. Bob welcomes Dr. Li-Meng Yan, the brave scientist who risked her life when she escaped from Hong Kong with evidence that Covid was produced in a military-controlled, bioweapon lab in Wuhan. lifelessonswithdrbob.buzzsprout.com/1853125/101237…
@lude_media 尤記得「甄嬛傳」裡,甄嬛兒子的親爹 - 果郡王 - 是皇上最信任的兄弟和最愛的棋友🤪
Congratulations to Dr. Peter McCullough @P_McCulloughMD! 😄 👉🏻“When I graduated from medical school, I took the Hippocratic Oath, which said that, above all, I would do no harm to any patient, and I would do everything in my power to help each and every patient,” McCullough said twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD…
COVID Is Just The Beginning of Unrestricted Biowarfare - What do you need to know? - What can we do to stop it? I will be with @ClareMLopez @MalcolmOutLoud on The Voice of a Nation today! 6 pm ET, Encore 10 pm iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD twitter.com/MalcolmOutLoud…
@Terror_Alarm Your intelligence matched what I and @lude_media obtained from our intelligence network and warned for long - CCP is preparing for the next release of weaponized virus, and it will be released in another country to hide its Chinese-military-origin!
Pray for Jimmy Lai, the hero of Hong Kong 🇭🇰! #FreeHongKong #EndEmperorXi twitter.com/RFA_Chinese/st…
There was a similar policy Green Dam in 🇨🇳 to prevent students from “non-positive information” online. Soon after, the Green Dam became the Fire Wall, and everyone gets blocked inside by CCP. Do you wanna repeat it in 🇺🇸? twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD…
No. I didn’t take #CovidVaccine. Instead, I take HCQ for prevention. twitter.com/stacksNoWO/sta…
In the latest US army recruitment ad, it shows Tiananmen mass parade, tank man in Tiananmen Square, pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong…👍🏻 twitter.com/dewszt/status/…