Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

新版「呼和浩特市疫情消殺規定」重點在第五條:「對病家情況,消毒紀錄,視頻影像保密,不准通過任何形式對外洩露」。 習共的一切政策,必須依賴列寧式組織及其嚴苛的保密制度。擊垮習共,必須拆解這套保密體系。 這就是我們無處不在的雷的力量! twitter.com/big_ear_cat/st…
Dear @RepJayapal, as Chinese, I agree that anti-Asian hate crimes should be treated seriously! However, to solve the problem, it requires more effort for legislators to investigate & stop the evil role of CCP-Xi regime behind the pandemic, division, incitement & hate crimes in 🇺🇸 twitter.com/RepJayapal/sta…
按中共政治定義,有色人種不包括白人,那白紙革命鐵定不能算是顏色革命!😄👍🏻 twitter.com/changchengwai/…
. @DrTedros @WHO, Did you mean the #monkeypox is clearly unusual & concerning compared to the #COVID19? You have admitted the possibility of lab-origin of SARS-CoV-2 in CCP’s labs after 2.5 years. Could you be more efficient in the new outbreaks? - But NO More mandate policies! twitter.com/DrTedros/statu…
It also means beyond the ongoing #COVID pandemic and Xi JinPing-Putin collaboration of the future unrestricted bio-attacks. That’s why Sino-Russian allies launched the propaganda of BIOWEAPON DEVELOPMENT 🇺🇦 bio-labs. twitter.com/JamieMetzl/sta…
“AMERICA faces defeat by China in a war over Taiwan in just a week and needs to “urgently” up its preparations - The chilling warning from Oriana Skylar Mastro, an authority on China’s military & US Air Force strategist, comes after years of simulations.” thesun.co.uk/news/18968094/…
However, “freeze everyone” is so cost-effective for Xi-CCP regime to control and mobilize Chinese from peaceful time to war time, with a combination of zero-COVID policies. Emperor Xi won’t give it up! twitter.com/StevenWMosher/…
Non-jury trial ordered for Hong Kong’s 47 democrats national security case - “Trial by jury has been used by Hong Kong’s common law legal system for 177 years but legislation imposed by China in 2020 to curb dissent allows cases to be heard by dedicated national security judges.” twitter.com/BoDiplo/status…
Thread by @SailorM42310635: 郭文贵什么时候开始暴露的?美国军方何时决定爆破此共特?为各位还原从“民心向郭”到“人人得而诛之”的事件始末 2021年6月3日郭文贵新中国联邦一周年庆典邀请闫博士和路德,坐客18楼,提到:闫博士,我有绝对的情报知道,你先生马亨隔着屏幕在看threadreaderapp.com/thread/1417198…
The conversation about 🇨🇳 - Xi JinPing’s unrestricted war plans against 🇺🇸 between me & @JDRucker will be on-air at 7pm EST today. Homepage @MalcolmOutLoud @GetLoudAmerica americaoutloud.com Links iheart.com/live/america-o… streamdb7web.securenetsystems.net/ce/TALKLOUD&
Does stepping down mean the exemption of punishment for Dr. Fauci in the pandemic either de jure or de facto?🤔 #COVID19 #ScientificMisinformationCampaign #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/zerohedge/stat…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Episode 3: Anti-Human Zero-COVID Measures in China, and Interview with Col. Lawrence Sellin: Secret of CCP’s Military in Origin of COVID-19 Sat/Sun 9am ET, Encore at 4pm iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD americaoutloud.com/voice-of-dr-ya…
中共國正在推行的個人碳帳戶可操作空間巨大,潛在利潤驚人。除了侵犯個人隱私和限制人權外,還可以與金融產品掛鉤,並且進一步通過所謂個人碳排放與企業的交易去增加中共國在全球碳排放交易市場的籌碼。這個市場目前還沒對中共國制裁喔! bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/… twitter.com/mingleili2/sta…
Listen to The Voice of Dr. Yan at 9 am ET, Encore at 4 pm on Sat & Sun. You'll hear my views on the latest news & interesting topics, as well as exclusive intelligence about CCP, and World Geo-Political situation. LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep15. With @baobaoxiaoliao White paper revolution is far beyond a public health issue. It has already triggered the collapse of the tyrannic regime in 🇨🇳. Compared with Tiananmen Square massacre, Chinese are fighting for freedom now! americaoutloud.com/the-beginning-…
如果手銬是古法手工鍛造,子彈是雕龍帶編號限量款,骨灰盒是失傳的魯班技法復刻版⋯⋯是不是也會激發出如此「文化自豪感」,甚至讓他們爭先恐後地去親身體驗? twitter.com/big_ear_cat/st…
No rule of law in Hong Kong any more! Salute to the brave HongKongers! Free Hong Kong! Stand with Hong Kong! twitter.com/inmediahk/stat…
I’ll be on air with @JohnBWellsCTM at 10:30pm EST tonight #ArkMidnight Intelligence Briefing - Bio Warfare With Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet @TruthForHealth Todd Callender Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely Col. @LawrenceSellin @realMaryFanning @AlanJonesAmRpt Links👇🏻 twitter.com/JohnBWellsCTM/…
Besides the immature “novel technology” in the vaccine, What we MUST investigate is: How many functions are designed in the Spike protein to harm human? How harmful do we know about it? Remember #CovidVaccine is designed mainly based on weaponized spike protein! twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
How could Iran shoots down the Starlink without any help provided by Xi-Putin allies? 🤔 twitter.com/Terror_Alarm/s…
@RobertKennedyJr is right that experts involved into the cover up with CCP! However, it’s not an accidental leak. The release of #COVID19 🦠 to community in Wuhan was intentional with evil purposes. Xi JinPing approved the plan by himself. PLA conducted it! It will be verified! twitter.com/RobertKennedyJ…
Pray for Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 twitter.com/zerohedge/stat…
Addiction is a neuropsychological disorder. Classic signs of addiction include compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, preoccupation with substances or behavior, & continued use despite negative consequences.
COVID virus affects heart in various ways. For example, according to studies, it causes inflammation or cytokine storm involving heart, which leads to blood clots, pericarditis, myocarditis and heart failure. The underlying diseases increase the risks. Wish you healthy 🙏🏻 twitter.com/aquino4congres…
The A4 protests show that Chinese people are awakened during #COVID pandemic. They spontaneously fight for freedom. Give me liberty, or give me death! Guest @baobaoxiaoliao The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE