Leave twitter world, then draw a fictional world in the real world.
It's not too much, but I transferred around 1.3k dollars to the bank account of Embassy of Ukraine in Japan. I hope it will be used effectively. 🙇 I should cut my food costs, haha. 👍
Somehow I really like designs whose face is covered with something. My background could be a factor. ¯\_( ´•ᴗ•)_/¯
↓RT, This is the only Pyramid Head statue supervised by me at this moment except for the White Hunter statue for the campaign. Also I drew some new sketches for the prototype, the booklet as the pre-order bonus includes them.
The Otherworld school in SH1 was inspired by a great film Jacob's Ladder basically. Also I played truant from work for a day and then I walked around the deserted areas of JR (Japan Railway) Ueno, Okachimachi and Shinagawa stations before I started designing that. :-] twitter.com/adsk4/status/9…
Idea sketches for an Acid Bufferzone-model vignette from my usual sketches.
I got a terrible & aggressive Japanese reply to that tweet, but I remembered this thing. Getting caught by his anger has a low quality addiction. It eventually lets him become a man who can't always help getting caught by his anger. I thought I would be careful not to be the man.
RIP, Pelé… 😢
A Robocop fanart & SESE (Spinal-Erosive Skinning Exoskeleton). She is not a cyborg or android but a human being whose brain has been hacked by the exoskeleton. And the design was influenced by Robocop (1987).
From my usual sketches.
A generated art without #Midjourney
As usual, I wake up, breath, have a meal, walk, draw some sketches and go to sleep. I behave as usual.
This picture that I had painted in my art student days came to look like a piece generated by AI after I saw a lot of Midjourney's images on Twitter. 😥
As to "chain-link fence" in SH1 otherworld, we had very strict limits on the memory of texture & polygon in PS1 era, but I tried to depict the Alessa's mind within the limits. This was a very valid object to repeat a texture or express an aspect of her closed heart. That's all. twitter.com/adsk4/status/9…
My favorite cookie is butterscotch one. Anyway, I like the flavor of butter.
昨日は、山岡さんのお宅でまだ幼い娘さんをあやさせて貰って、至福のひとときだった。ちょっと懐いてくれたっぽかった。 I had supreme bliss at @AkiraYamaoka san's house yesterday. Coz I bounced his baby on my knees & rocked her to sleep. She seemed to get used to me to some extent. ☺
I'll cheer for both Morocco & Croatia in the game. But I may cheer for Argentina in the final game. Forgive me, sir, France. 🙇
When James faces the reality, Pyramid Head in his mind disappears. twitter.com/adsk4/status/1…
Merry Christmas !
I've said this too many times already, but the "Masahiro Ito" is same name but different person. I've never written the screenplay for the One Piece film. twitter.com/mako_lord/stat…
Honey Butter Honey Toast Chronicle
If my family were not poor, I would not be a creature designer or a concept artist. Because imagining something didn't need money. hahaha