I hope the Sankaku Santa will find you guys! ( ´•ᴗ•)ก
@seedmole @EvieCorwell @KoriKitsune35 Excuse me, I directed/built all of the whole cutscenes had something to do w/ creatures & some other cutscenes. Some parts of the ideas of the story were by me. Also many lightnings that had something to do with them were by me. All keyframe animations of all of creature by me
Work in progress. ( ´•ᴗ•)ก
I’m confident that the graphic the team creates will go well with the atmosphere of the town. The volumetric fog especially matches it. twitter.com/BlooberTeam/st…
One of my recommended Japanese horror films, "Cure" by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. It seems like it's already on NETFRIX. twitter.com/adsk4/status/1…
This was the art for the jacket of SH:downpour Japanese & Korean edition. (About downpour, I just did the jacket arts.)
@medalhellway I look like Yakuza. 😅
No title.
A painting named "3328" that I did before designing Pyramid Head. As you can see, there are prototypes of it in the lower both sides of this image.
An illustration of Chappie for one of postcards included in Chappie Blu-ray Japanese edition.
@ReaperLee23 Yes, but constructive criticism works. :-]
Many people still claim that the town of the SH1 (not the film but the original game) was inspired by Centralia and they boast the headcanon is the canon. They persistently question me as to the inspiration. This is the reason for this tweet. I just tweeted the truth. twitter.com/adsk4/status/1…
These make me feel Annie Wilkes from Misery by S.King is really exists.
Leave twitter world, then draw a fictional world in the real world.
「サイレントヒル」トレンド入り記念 "Silent Hill", this word is now one of Japanese Twitter trending topics. In memory of that. lol
No, I've done a ton of drawings/paintings, sculpted many 3d in-game creatures/humans and built a ton of keyframe animations, so I don't need any references for poses or can rotate a virtual 3d model in my head in the cases like that. ( ´•ᴗ•)✌ twitter.com/HokutoAndy/sta…
I know this is a cliche, but I hope that Ukrainian people can return to normal life, even if it's only a day sooner. 🙏
A 2022 actuall Halloween parade in somewhere.
When it comes to painting or drawing of creature, I don't like put human faces in them. But I love to draw/paint human faces. :-]
Mass production eva
A concept sketch for Acid Bufferzone from my usual ones. Radiographers for Electric Hard-Shelled Bullet for the railguns used by ИС159.