“ we are going back to korea today 🕺🏻”
“Time flew by quickly…”
“I’ll see you at the comeback live later😝”
“I need to apply sun cream thoroughly…”
“What should I do with my hair for the comeback live”
“My hair is so short i don’t think there’s anything i can do..”
“Hey, hey, i’m gonna do my short hair but I’m currently thinking about what to do with my short hair..ㅎ”
“How about those headbands used for washing?”
“I really like the days when it rains these days…”
“When does the rainy season end”
Seems like whenever Giselle has some time, she's always practicing writing lyrics and she said she's working hard so that she's able to make a song for us to listen to. In addition, she also said in the future, she wants to show us her song creation so she'll keep working hard.
Giselle: I don't have time but I really want to go to Kyoto. Yes, recently, my mum went to Kyoto and she kept taking photos and sending them to me so that made me have this feeling of wanting to go to Kyoto. twitter.com/329Navi/status…
OP asked about spoiler for their upcoming showcase!
Giselle: Spoiler? We'll probably do a cute stage... We'll also be doing a pretty stage too. twitter.com/329Navi/status…
“ i dreamt that I was raising a cat yesterday..😈”