Hua Chunying 华春莹(@SpokespersonCHN)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Another big event in #Wuhan, the 17th #China Theater Festival got underway. Altogether 31 plays of various genres from across the country are to be performed. Quite a gala.
Then why has it single-handedly impeded the conclusion of a #BWC verification protocol for 20 years? Why has it remained silent at the calls to open its bio-labs around the world and #FortDerrick to independent international investigations? What's the secret they are hiding?
The history of #NativeAmericans exposes how the #US exploits others' rights as a human to serve its own interests. What the US should do is not wielding the stick of human rights & pointing fingers at others, but confronting its crimes with concrete actions to make atonement.
… xenophobia and related intolerance. Each time, only 2 stood out in opposition: the #US and #Ukraine.
Painted by AI: #ChineseModernization key words: creating, science, creativity, technology, industrialization, digitalization
But we will not tolerate any act that harms our core interests. We will not sit by and watch the US play the “Taiwan card” to serve the US’s domestic politics and the selfish interests of some politicians.
“Las relaciones entre China y España han tenido un desarrollo sano y feliz. Esto se debe, en lo fundamental, a que ambas partes han preservado la aspiración original de establecer relaciones diplomáticas, marcada por el respeto mutuo, la igualdad y los beneficios mutuos…
What is it like to celebrate the New Year in China’s #TiangongSpaceStation? Check out #Shenzhou15 crew’s first day of 2023 in space.
China's first solar-tidal photovoltaic power station became fully operational in China's Zhejiang Province, marking the country's latest effort to harness two green energy sources for power generation in a complementary way.
Outlining the priorities of the new-term government, Premier Li Qiang pledged to focus on adhering to a people-centered development philosophy, promoting high-quality development and deepening reform and opening-up.…
FM Qin Gang: China has signed agreements or reached consensus with 19 African countries on debt relief and the debt service payments suspended by China are the largest among G20 members. The so-called China’s “debt trap” in Africa is a narrative trap imposed on China and Africa.
Moments reviewed: #Taikonauts back home.
Imagine riding on a high-speed train over the glittering sea under the orange sky at sunset! It's a dream coming true in China since the first cross-sea high-speed railway has been completed. And it will save much travel time as well.
#China-#US relations have taken a sharp turn for the worse and are facing serious difficulties. The main reason is that the US has made a major strategic miscalculation about China. As an old saying goes, "He who tied the bell should untie it." The ball now is in the US court.
Over the past 6 decades, a total of 30,000 Chinese medical personnel have treated 290 million local patients in 76 countries and regions across 5 continents.
“In Chinese democracy, there is a consistency of policies...” Asghar, who has been covering China’s “two sessions” for 6 years shares his view on China’s whole-process people’s democracy.
A moment of exciting scientific discovery. China’s #Marsrover #Zhurong has found evidence of possible existence of "sea" on the red planet within the past billion years.
... and "proudly" claims he's keeping the rules-based order. Anyone likes this guy? Seriously?
Snowboarders experience the Chinese-style course at #Beijing2022. Chinese legend has it that Kongfu masters could leap over roofs and run up walls. Now the snowboarders are making it a reality on the "Snow Great Wall”slopestyle course.
This is how the US “protects” #humanrights, women's rights in particular.#AbortionBan…