How much damage to world due to cover-up of book published exactly 1 year ago today? 壓制一年前今天出版的此書給世界造成了何等傷害? @POTUS @AmbJohnBolton @SecPompeo @VP @CIA @SecretService @CG_CyberForge @Cabinet @peternavarro45 @GOP @TheDemocrats…
If You Want to Extinct The Human Race, Death by China CCP, Vote for @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris 如果你想要人類滅絕、死於中共,投票拜登和賀錦麗
"Why Are They Really Locking Everything Down"? Dropping Bombs (Ep 289) via @YouTube @CyrusAParsa1 TY @TheRealBradLea 4 critical REDPILL RT MAKE VIRAL! Lawsuit against CCP Google Gates Obama/ Organ Harvesting 疫情中我們為何被封鎖」專輯,請選擇中文字幕
CHINA CCP: We Know What You Did Last Summer! 中共,我們知道你去年夏天干了什么!
U.S Begins to Expell #HUAWEI #5G as "National Security Threat and Arm of CCP!" 美國開始驅逐華為,視之為「國家安全威脅和中共的武器!」…
國共合作小貼士:中共竊國十大元帥之一的軍隊元老,外孫女嫁給了國民黨將軍前國防部長的公子。兩黨高層都對這樁聯姻點了頭。在此負責任的聲明,國共兩黨絕對沒有暗通款曲,陳倉是敲鑼打鼓光明正大拿下來的。 @iingwen @ChingteLai @CIA @ltntw @MOFA_Taiwan @SecPompeo @appledaily_hk @TW_nextmedia
.@realDonaldTrump People Programmed to attack Trump with #AI Smartphones, Media, Google Discovery Published Feb 2020 from Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity! 人們被AI、智能手機、媒體和谷歌編程去攻擊川普,2020年2月發文,提煉自《人工智能-人類危局…
29 Billion? Seize TIK TOK at No Cost for Espionage, Taping of World People's Intimate Data! Pay Reparations to Families! $ to Twitter or alike to Manage. 290億美元?就憑其間諜行徑和偷錄用戶私密的劣跡抖音應該被充公! 凍結其資產來賠償受害家庭,餘下交給託管的法人代表,如推特.
9 Reasons China CCP is an International Terrorist Organization 1. Nuclear Weapons Smuggler 2. Unsafe 5G Developer 3. Prostitution-Human Trafficking 4. IP Theft 5. Plagarizing thieves 6. Professional Liars 7. Drug Traffickers 8. Murderers Rapists 9. Created CCP Virus
REAL Danger of China CCP Huawei BRI #5G #AI Global Grid Agenda 中共華為5G AI「一帶一路」網絡系統的真正威脅 — 塞瑞斯·A.帕薩 請轉推 RETWEET-Share Everywhere 👇…
China CCP Huawei Moblizes Machines to Rule World in Orwellian #5G BRI System with #AI Digital Brain. Our Discovery Published OCT-2019 中共華為用「AI數字大腦」調動機械設備,企圖在一帶一路上以奧威爾式體制統治世界。我們在2019年10月23日發布了我們的調研成果。…
Illegal Takeover of #HongKong by CCP is a Fatal Mistake that will lead to the Toad Regimes Demise! 中共非法佔領香港是致命錯誤,會導致蛤蟆政權垮台!
Breath of Life represents all that is human from the birth of the Universe: The CCP Virus wants to choke the breath of life out of the human race globally* Have No Fear, Be Cautious, Endure it, Eliminate the CCP- Choke it back by Exposing its Crimes Against Humanity!
Fmr. Vice Pres. Got 1.5 Billion From CCP Corporations as China Ran Death Camps. He's playing political games as #HongKong Youth Die. Criminal Politician CCP Sex Tapes! 中共在設立死亡營,前副總統卻收受中共15億美元;在香港年輕人付出生命時玩政治遊戲。被中共掌握性錄像的罪惡政客們👇…
Chinese Communist Party is a Terrorist Organization. It destroyed Chinese Peoples Ethics separating their Families, Loves, their hearts from the Divine. CCP Virus stems from this! 中共是恐怖組織。它毀滅了中國人的倫理,拆散他們的家庭,割斷他們與神的聯繫。 中共病毒由此而生!
GUN SHOT: Trump rushed out of Conference after Shooting outside of White House. Good Job @SecretService @POTUS must be kept safe at most crucial time in history. I wrote in my Book what China CCP was planning, which I exposed.……
RT. China Building AI God Like Military Surveillance from Google Deepmind AI Technology designed for Planetary #5G BRI Domination #ArtificialIntelligence #CCPChina #QuantumComputing 為了以5G稱霸軍事領域和全球性監控,中共自谷歌竊取了上帝級超級人工智能…
China CCP Steals GOD Like Super Intelligence from Google Deepmind AI for 5G Military Dominance with Planaterary Surveillance @POTUS @AP @CG_CyberForge 為了以5G稱霸軍事領域和全球性監控,中共自谷歌竊取了上帝級超級人工智能 👇🤗…