U.S Government Confirms all my published China CCP AI 5G Huawei warnings in books, articles Interviews, Reports, Videos I made public last 1 year 美國國防部確認了我一年多時間裡發布在圖書、文章、採訪、報告和視頻中的所有關於中共、AI、5G、 華為的警告 👇 twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s… 👇 twitter.com/StateDept/stat…
Google, CCP, Obama, Biden, Bill Gates Endangering World Lawsuit Translated for Chinese Audience Feb, 24th, 2020, Amended Federal Complaint. 起訴谷歌,中共,奧巴馬,拜登,比爾蓋茨危害人類的2020年2月24號修正案的中文版面世了 zh.theaiorganization.com/obama-google-b…
COVID 19 CCP Virus Warned in Cyrus' 2019 Books & China-Google Lawsuit. Why didn't Global Media Report? What are they trying to hide? 塞瑞斯在他2019年出版的著作中和對中共及谷歌的訴訟案裡公開警示中共病毒的存在。為什麼全球媒體不予報導?他們在掩蓋什麼? youtube.com/watch?v=moS_7F…
中共黨報解放日報資深編輯胡展奮目前人在洛杉磯。其老上級周稼駿(JJ),原解放日報主編,中共老牌駐外間諜,六四期間以世紀風專欄“請不要向記者開槍”一文騙取西方信任,常駐美國刺探情報 - 中共外交部歐美司副司長在其赴美前到上海面授機宜給予資金。後因勾結官商販賣人口等罪行敗露遭FBI通緝逃回中國。
PART #2: China CCP big Tech Threaten All World, Warned Everything Happening Today - Published Aug 24, 2019 & Oct 20, 2019 第二集:中共大型高科技公司威脅全人類 - 對當今發生的一切做出的警告分別發表於2019年8月24號和10月20號。 👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=moS_7F…
AI, China 5G CCP Bio-Weapon Warnings- Published 4-15-2020. Cyrus A Parsa X22 Interview-PART 1 CLIP-Full Video at Link has Chinese Subtitles 中共的人工智能、5G和生物武器威胁 - 第1部分,中文字幕 AI组织, 点链接观看全片 ,原采访视频发布于2020年4月15日 youtube.com/watch?v=moS_7F…
對中共生物科技及谷歌、奧巴馬和索羅斯危害世界的訴訟案 我的努力減緩了對你家人的危害,很多人詢問案子進展 訴狀沒有送交被告 - 因為疫情封鎖,而且可能演變成內戰 曝光中共才是焦點 「未影響實體權利」(無損害)意味著法官准許立案 — 司法部/政府在採用情報 本週五將公告最新情況
After Subpoena This China CCP Sex Tape Tweet, what explosive chain of events took place since? Retweet and Respond Here with timeline - Best Answer gets Free Book. 自從中共色情錄像帶推文發表至今,世上都發生了哪些爆炸性的連鎖事件?請轉推並告訴我你的觀察。最佳回答將獲贈一本新書。 twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
Google-Obama-Soros Endangering World China-Bio-Tech Lawsuit My effort soften danger to UR Families-Lots Asking Status Didnt serve Defendants-Lockdown Turns to CIVIL WAR Focus is ChinaCCP "Without Prejudice" Means judge accepted case-DOJ/Gov using Intel UPDATE THIS FRIDAY
The Chinese Communist Party is the enemy of humankind destined to be eliminated. Every person globally must take their stance to expose CCP- They Created the CCP Virus! Destroy CCP 中国共产党是人类公敌,注定被销毁。世界上每个人都必须表态,曝光中共及其制造的中共病毒! 消灭中共
.@realDonaldTrump If Trump was not U.S President, China CCP would Enlsave Humanity right Now. RETWEET to Thank @POTUS for being U.S President. 如果不是特朗普总统,中共如今已经奴役人类了。 转推,以感谢特朗普当美国总统
This company hires Chinese precision tool engineers at South San Francisco HQ, makes Gun Sight for U.S. military, factory plant in Wuhan China. Feds know @POTUS @ArmyChiefStaff 南舊金山市的這家公司在總部僱用中國精密機械工程師,為美軍製造瞄準鏡,工廠設在中國武漢。聯邦調查局知情
Trump Banning Tik Tok Executive Order Destroy CCP! 👍👍 👏👉 @POTUS 特朗普在发布行政令禁用抖音海外版。 摧毁中共。 cnbc.com/amp/2020/07/31…
ClintonGate ObamaGate BidenGate All Lead to CCPChinaGATE 克林頓門 奧巴馬門 拜登門 全都指向中共門
CNN asked Why Clinton-Bush Portrait Removed from White House Prominent Place by Trump Now CNN can Think..WHAT ISLAND? SEX TAPES? CHILD TRAFFICKING IMPLICATES U.S PRESIDENT? REALLY? google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.…
Delay U.S Presidental Election by 4 Years Because Under Obama China CCP Stole Bio-Weapon Iran Regime got 150 Billion Biden got 1.5 Billion ISIS Slaughtered Entire Villages Complicit China Death Camps Obama Hunted a Sitting President Obama Now Instigating Race Wars TREASON.
"CCP FEAR THIS" Join Cyrus & Heavy Weight Champion David Rodriguez @ninoboxer LIVE July 31 on Instagram 8pm MST, 10PM EST, 7pm PST Time Live On Instagram 👇🤳 davidninorodriguezofficial and CyrusAParsa1 “中共害怕吧” 参与塞瑞斯和UFC重量级冠军大卫的IG对谈直播,7月31日美东晚10点
Obama-Biden Negligent CCP Virus BioWeapon AI China Transfer Complicit in China Slave Death Camps-Published 4-2-20 奧巴馬和拜登在將冠狀(中共)病毒的研發技術轉讓給中共方面瀆職,在利用AI監控設立奴工死亡集中營方面與中共共犯, 2020年4月2日發表, 請切換到中文版 theaiorganization.com/how-bidens-too…
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel erlaubt der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas ihr Denken und Deutschland zu dominieren Um die Sicherheit Deutschlands zu gewährleisten muss Deutschland sich von der Kommunistische Partei Chinas separieren 默克爾必須唾棄中共 German Counselor Merkel Renounce CCP
CCP NUKE THIS! Through just one proxy agent CCP purchased over 20 million acres of land in North America. We shared this intel with FBI three years ago. @realDonaldTrump @FBIWFO @AP @GOP 中共僅通過一處代理人就在北美購買了兩千多萬英畝土地。三年前我們與聯邦調查局分享了該情報。
RT. Hong Kong Students Hunted by CCP with AI based Human Detection Capabilities, Published Oct, 12, 2019, Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization 中共利用人工智能人體(臉)偵測技術跟踪抓捕香港反送中學生,AI組織於2019年10月12號發表此報告 theaiorganization.com/hong-kong-in-d…
China CCP Dividing U.S with A.I. and attacking American President with influence of 1,000 corporate tech Entities Published 11-12-2019 轉:中共全球佈局上千科技公司實體來分裂美國並攻擊特朗普總統 - 去年11月12號發表的報告(原文有中文鏈接) theaiorganization.com/pawn-game-18-a…
Hong Kong we are with you. The days of the CCP are numbered. The lives perished will not be forgotten, and the bad deed will not go unpunished. 香港,我們與你們同在。中共的日子不多了。犧牲者不會被遺忘,暴政也難逃天譴。