REMOVE All images of Frogs kissing Trump. You are envoking the Underworld Spirit Plagues not only on the left, but on TRUMP! This is Old Testiment, Not New! 刪除蛤蟆親吻川普的所有圖像!你在招引低靈疫鬼,不僅上身左派,也侵害川普! 這是舊約,不是新約!
Close Down All Chinese Embassies Now! Trojan Horse! 現在就關閉所有中共使領館! 特洛伊木馬! @realDonaldTrump @VP @SecPompeo @FBIWFO RETWEET! RETWEET! RETWEET!
"The human brain is the most powerful computer in the universe" It can overcome anything! NO FEAR! YOU CAN MAKE IT! 人腦是宇宙中最強「計算機」,可以克服一切!不要恐懼!你能行!
CYRUS Published Trump Family can get poisoned by virus from China 2019 Book! RETWEET To send Cyrus to WH NOW! @realDonaldTrump @jack @joerogan @FLOTUS 塞瑞斯去年在書中提出川普和家人可能被投放來自中國的病毒.轉推,現在就送塞瑞斯去白宮! Evidence. Book!…
CHINESE COMMUNIST PLAGUE! =CCP 中國共產主義瘟疫! =CCP Cyrus A. Parsa, Oct, 1, 2020! ✍
To Truly Love Yourself, You Must First Love others. The CCP Hates everyone equally! Get rid of the CCP before what you love, is lost! 要真正愛你自己,你必須先愛他人。中共仇恨每一個人,在你還沒有失去你的所愛之前,淘汰中共!
$1.5 Billion China CCP dollars for Bidens! Any CCP Regime money linked to concentration camps where women were gang raped, tortured and killed for their organs while alive? 拜登父子收取中共15億美元! 該政權的這些錢是否和集中營有關?在那裡,婦女被輪姦、酷刑、活摘器官!
EVERY HUMAN LIFE IS PRECIOUS! Without You, the Universe Would Not Exist! 每個人的生命都是可貴的! 沒有了你,蒼宇將不復存在!
THE HIDDEN MESSAGE! Every time a loved one dies! 隱而未宣的秘密!每當你有親人死去... @joerogan @lexfridman @AP @ryanhall5050 @bengoertzel @DrDebraSoh @ZDoggMD @realguyritchie @TuckerCarlson @megynkelly @AnthonyHopkins @SheriffClarke @nickgillespie @RT_com @elonmusk
If you push beyond the extreme, you are being pulled. Thus, pull to push, dragons head follows, offering neck beyond extreme! @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo Happy Red Dragon Hunting Gents Cyrus A. Parsa 進擊過極,反受牽制;故而牽引其而進,龍頭自逾其極!獵斬紅龍,快哉!塞瑞斯
I AM the ONLY person in the world that warned y'all before the CCP virus/COVID19 outbreak with my books, articles and lawsuit - an undeniable fact! 我是在中共病毒疫情爆發之前通過著書寫作和起訴案反复警告世人的唯一一人,這是不爭的事實。
China Death Camps: Doing business with Rapists, Organ Traffickers, what does that make you? 中共設死亡集中營:和強姦犯、器官販子做生意,你是什麼人? @jimfarley98 @Daimler @Tesla @MercedesBenz @elonmusk @Ford @elonmusk @FBIWFO @TheJusticeDept @hrw @TIME
Tesla Sues Trump Administration to back China CCP after knowing of death camps and CCP Virus harm to UR families! Complicity to Genocide is a Criminal Offense! 狀告川普政府的特斯拉,既知曉死亡集中營,也知中共病毒傷害世人,卻仍為中共站台!共謀群體滅絕是犯罪!…
Vote for He who is against China CCP. Vote with your Mind, Heart and Pen, for He.. The Fate of the World depend on it! 投票給反對中共的那人. 用你的思想、心與筆投給..「他」 世界的信心有賴於此!
Complicity to China CCP Organ Harvesting and Concentration camps is a crime under Article 3 of Genocide Convention Punishable by local tribunal and International criminal courts! 與中共的集中營、活摘器官共犯,是適用《群體滅絕罪公約》第3條的罪行,可由當地法庭和國際刑事法庭懲辦!
Reza, America didn't let you escape Iran to threaten to Burn Down the U.S, the Home that Feeds You, Gave You Freedom from Tyranny! Apologize!…
Some Big American Media have Chinese Spies connected with editorials, pretending they are against China CCP, Manipulating America, hurting the Worlds people.. FBI will arrest you! 美國一些大媒體中有些中共特務假裝反共,涉入編輯部工作,操控美國,傷害世人。FBI會逮捕你們!
The Chinese Communist Party Plagiarized western scientists' coronavirus research to create the CCP Virus. That Plagiarism spawned disaster globally. Eliminate Communist Plagiarism! 中共靠剽竊西方冠狀病毒科研成果搞出中共病毒,製造了全球性災難。 徹底剷除共匪式剽竊!
PRESIDENT UNDER SEIGE! 陷入重圍的總統! @POTUS @Cabinet @SecretService
For the first time in its history, the Chinese Communist Party is afraid. You can feel its fear! Look around the world, its tentacles will be cut 1 by 1 until it loses its head! 中共有史以來第一次膽怯了- 你可以感受它的恐慌! 縱觀世界, 中共的觸角將被逐個切除, 直到我們砍下它的頭!
God did not pick this Pope, China CCP did!!! 上帝沒有指定這個教皇,是中共鼓搗出來的!!!