If I don’t do that, who will do that !!! we need to change 🤟
I forgot I was wearing an onepiece. Sorry if I was flashing. See this is why I don't wear skirts, limits my mobility!🙃🙃 twitter.com/CurrentProtag/…
プレイステーションFamily and one positive unemployed 🤣 @yosp @corybarlog @AnnaBarlog
I missed my chance to ask Elon Musk for a Tesla! May I have one as a Christmas present?? @elonmusk @Tesla
I can't pronounce bare. My bad pronunciation it becomes a “BEAR” So I had to pose a bear.... twitter.com/TanookiKuribo/…
Today’s dinner ‘UDON’ and Holy water ‘Arizona green tea ’ 😌 おつかれさま私。
@Onikoroshi18 I’m Haku! Gamelovers are Chihiro!
Dear Elon-san, Would you like to design the next Tesla? I can design a better one for you. I am a fortune teller. You will have a better year next year if you hire me. 😌 twitter.com/Greenskull/sta…
Just between you and me... I was nervous when I sat next to him ... I talked to him “Wow you are Tesla-Musk san right!?” 🤐 ここだけの話テンパリすぎて、「うお〜テスラマスクさんですよね!!」って話しかけた恥さらしは私のことです。
I met Ninja-san on the way to buy my dinner udon. ニンニン! @Ninja
@thegameawards @DevilMayCry Congrats DMC5 🤟☺️🤟伊津野さん!おめでとうございます!
Happy 😊 this time TGA fanart I has increased my treasures box. Arigato 🙏😊
I visited CAA. Not CIA🤣 The building was like a movie CIA building.
I visited Google LA. It looked like a huge maze space!It’s great interesting ! @GoogleStadia
Do it yourself before your guys prank!
I visited only the entrance at @MarvelStudios 😃 I’d like to be a Deadpool -san of game industry. or want to be Thanos-sama !
The trophy for @thegameawards was actually very heavy. When it was handed to me during rehearsal it felt like I was handed a blunt weapon. I dream of finishing that project and receiving an award but I was happy to just hold one for a brief moment. It was an honor to present! 😊
I should spoil myself! My recent daily routine is to eat “Gari Gari kun Soda” while taking a bath. 😋 Doesn't it look very luxurious? 😌 #ガリガリ君
One lady came up to me in LA and said "Every time you appear on stage and media, I can feel the hardships you've gone through hiding behind your smile. That is the biggest point I love about you." I was so flattered! 😭🥰🥺
People ask me to work for them and talk about the good food they have available. 🧐 Sometimes I want to bite, but I shouldn't make decisions based on the food. Or maybe I should. 🤣🤣🥰
Wow! Is this illustration Nakamura Thanos a.k.a “Ikuminos“ right ?😆 Arigato ❤️ So...I think, Sometimes scrap and build is necessary. 🧐But remember to respect ✊ Creative destruction : 創造的破壊 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_twitter.com/chasethegremli…