SUPER BLOOMING CONCEPTS 🌸 I will talk about my approach to delivering deeper and stronger core concept designs to spark inspiration spirals for game development. Let’s start a super bloom in Rome! @GAMEROME_FEST
Happy Halloween 🎃 The spooky month is about to end. So I would like to accept questions for only 3 minutes from now. BUT I can't answer sensitive questions. Gomen🙏 Is this normal or paranormal ?👻
This's my hideout a.k.a ‘Outpost193’. I spend my time thinking new game planning, create worlds/universes and drawing concept art in here, reaching out to folks around the world and thinking through the limitless possibilities of an ‘Open World’ in front of me.
Black jeans, black shirt, choker, glasses and you! Those are perfect. 👏 I’m glad that Ikumi proliferated. cuz I’m so busy that I want to you assist me. Thanks for your spooky cute cosplay 😘 @iaraNaika… @antidonts…
Sometimes I feel a little sad being away from production, but I get happy whenever I read the warm comments on SNS from you all, listen to my favorite music in my office, my co-worker visiting my office and play a game. I'm enjoying my life! BGM: #wewillriseagain by Dan Romer
キノコ狩りの男! スパイダーマッ ! What's Up Danger! ? I'm looking forward to Japanese Spider-Man in Spider-Man Verse. 😆 #スパイダーマッ #japanesespiderman…
This is simple #DeathStranding . たまたま顔の横にあったもんで...☺️
Ta-da! @4AGames I am!Here makes me a just fan girl who forget my own job . @MetroVideoGame
John-san is the most important personat in @4AGames . There is an urban legend that makes you happy when you touch him. I finally did it! ☺️ Arigato Jon-san.
Hmmm, The MTL flight was canceled. I was tired after a long wait in airport. I was hungry so I decided to eat a trophy. "Special Award" at the @GAMEROME_FEST. I'm so honor 😊 BIG THX 🙏
Bonjour! Montreal. @migs__ . Thank you all for come in this cold weather. I was happy to see so many of you showed up. The more the merrier. Having so many people warms up the room.☺️ Maybe it’s the people, maybe it’s the pressure but it makes my armpits sweat. 😳💦
Great JACK POT! I cried to your kindness. Ikumi May Cry 😭 Devil May Cry in one of the Kami-Game ❤️…
UBI Logo’s spiral staircase spiral 🌀@Ubisoft
Poutine is good food in Montreal, but My favorited “Chocolatine” . It’s good seetness〜Saku-Saku〜 inside is Fuwa-Fuwa 〜 Universe in my mouth😋😋😋 See you! Montreal! 👋
T-pose! TT sisters! 🤣 A new capture room has been completed in UBI Toronto Studio. The ceiling is high! Compatible with Eagle Dive!?😳 @UbisoftToronto
This horse name is Troy - chan. New marketing manager at @UbisoftToronto . Just kidding 🤣
Too much fun LA night with @KINJAZ @rinahoshino NARUTO RUN からの〜ズシャア 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I was just in time!帰国が間に合った! イリヤさん@Kuvshinov_Ilya のVIVID。普通の女の子の何気ないカッコ良さ、日常の何気ないカッコ良さを切り取るセンスが素晴らしい😊 #vivid #イリヤクシノブ #イリヤ展
A gift from the kind staff of ZOS. Even after I left the studios, there is a some staff member who gives me wonderful gifts. Really healthy. Jorge -san Arigato 🙏😊
Looking forward to the TGA ceremony this Thursday! This is an honor for me. It’s been one crazy year! Haranbanjo! @thegameawards #TheGameAwards…
What does everyone want me to do at the #TheGameAwards ? being the receptionist at TGA as a volunteer?Shall I play violin in the opening? Or dance to artist? Or being a Titan?Twists and shifts the moment think you've got it figured out.☺️
I am going to TGA alone without a translator. I wonder if Keanu-san and Bam Bam -chan can translate for me? I can pay with ramen and udon.🥺
世界を革命する力を!#少女革命ウテナ @ladyadorabeezle #RevolutionaryGirlUtena
I'm nervous. My bladder is going to explode! 🤣 漏らしたらすいません。口からも何か出そう。@thegameawards #TheGameAwards
The earth, the ocean, and everyone who is alive…everyone….please give me your energy a little bit..!!!