Ikumi Nakamura 🪐@unseentokyo(@nakamura193)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

I can't pronounce bare. My bad pronunciation it becomes a “BEAR” So I had to pose a bear.... twitter.com/TanookiKuribo/…
These fan arts are my treasures and make me smile. Arigato !これは私の宝物たちです。
“Are you alive?” Yes, I am! I released my new project which went live on June 1st. This will be the longest ongoing project I’ve ever taken on and I know it will bring the deepest joy and happiness to the world. I’m grateful to be able to help humanity live long and prosper.🖖☺️
Okami is going to be back! We want to make Okami sequel and fans are looking forward to it too. You guys want to see Kamiya’s Okami again, right, everyone? I want to work on it too! 大神をまた作りたい私たちです。🙏😊@CapcomUSA_ @OKAMI_CAP
Dear Elon-san, Would you like to design the next Tesla? I can design a better one for you. I am a fortune teller. You will have a better year next year if you hire me. 😌 twitter.com/Greenskull/sta…
I forgot I was wearing an onepiece. Sorry if I was flashing. See this is why I don't wear skirts, limits my mobility!🙃🙃 twitter.com/CurrentProtag/…
I sometimes see tweets about me and Bayonetta. Look at this figure sheet. Unfortunately, She and I have little in common. I also use torture attacks, but torture attacks consume physical strength and are rare to use. I was an environment concept art designer in the game.
I missed my chance to ask Elon Musk for a Tesla! May I have one as a Christmas present?? @elonmusk @Tesla
アタイ...ゆるせへんっ!! twitter.com/angelprototype…
I thank Christopher Isak-san. “Stay authentic and don’t pretend to be someone you are not. The people will love you for it.” These words indeed encouraged me. Arigato 😌🙏 twitter.com/TechAcuteCom/s…
Thank you all for letting me know. I learned today what "Horny Jail" means. I didn't get the point of the sad gif of the Shiba Inu getting beaten up. Shiba is innocent. I'm guilty. twitter.com/Arterix6/statu…
A message from my mom who has seen the E3 "I was surprised you behaved as you were. When I showed this video to my friend who was fluent English speaker,  she said you did a great job. I'm proud of you. Thank you for coming into our lives. But I don't like horror games" 😭🙏
After 9 years as Creative director & Art Director at Tango and Zenimax - I felt here is one of ends of the journeys . I learned from the talented people I've worked with and I respect. 🙏😊 Contact me if anyone wants to work with me! → linkedin.com/in/193nakamura/
I met Ninja-san on the way to buy my dinner udon. ニンニン! @Ninja
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These wonderful arts give me power. Arigato ☺️
This is where it all begin...BANG BANG BANG 💥💥 ゲーム業界スタートの地!@capcom @devilmaycry_jp
I’d like to officially announce my candidacy for chairman of SIE Worldwide Studios. @GameOverGreggy @jmdornbush
NG: Thank you everybody!Be....😭 Just as I though, English is difficult. 失敗4回目。悲しみ。
My treasures collection has increased! ARIGATOU 🥰🥰🥰
The trophy for @thegameawards was actually very heavy. When it was handed to me during rehearsal it felt like I was handed a blunt weapon. I dream of finishing that project and receiving an award but I was happy to just hold one for a brief moment. It was an honor to present! 😊