ヒノカミ神楽やってみてます。We detected and danced Hinokami Kagura. Respect for #鬼滅の刃 #demonslayer
J'ai toujours rêvé de travailler sur un projet UBI et cette opportunité de collaborer avec @Rainbow6FR une version Ikuminisée de l'univers de R6 a été un plaisir époustouflant. Merci à l'équipe R6 ! @Ubisoft😊🙏 twitter.com/Rainbow6FR/sta…
UBI✖️IKUMI コラボ!レインボーシックス シージのスキンデザインを担当させていただきました。イクミナイズドされた、あやかしスキンをぜひ!まずは 耳なし芳一 からインスパイアされたEcho先輩と名前の意味が鬼火のDokkaebiちゃんから😆 @Rainbow6JP   @UBISOFT_JAPAN @Ubisoft twitter.com/Rainbow6JP/sta…
Dokkaebi /도깨비(Japanese: Onibi, Hitodama) is a type of atmospheric ghost light in legends of Asia. there is a theory that it is not phosphorus itself, but rather the spontaneous combustion of phosphine, or it is burning methane produced from the decay of the corpse.
Hoichi the Earless is a blind biwa master who specializes in playing music that can make even evil cry, and has special hearing. Echo, who fights using ultrasonic waves inaudible to the human ear. I also found an affinity between the two, connecting the dots. @Rainbow6Game
"Here’s hoping her dream of opening her own studio is realized sooner rather than later." Ahh, Arigato Kotaku-san! Ikumi Just do it! 応援ありがとう。アタイやるだけやってみる!💪🏼 twitter.com/Kotaku/status/…
I was interviewed by my favorite game magazine. It's going to be an interview that touches on my career. I've always been in the dark behind someone else's glory, so it's a great honor to have my background highlighted in this way. I look forward to seeing it published.😊
If you want to make your wish come true, I recommend that you defeat Ikumi Nakamura, She is, as you know, a concept artist and art director. Here's a secret. Her weak spot is the back of her neck. That's where her main body is hidden.🧐 twitter.com/Kukiolworks/st…
Hello @netflix -san. Can you make a documentary series where @nakamura193 explores abandoned places and haunted houses all over the world? Yes, it's titled "Fun with Nakamura The Forbidden Zone Tour". twitter.com/micha/status/1…
@IGN IGN-san Arigatogozaimasu 🥲🙏🏼 Ugh. Everyone's support is warm. I'll do my best. みんなの応援が温かい。がんばります。
Here's a Manga explanation of how the Siege collabo came about. #RainbowSixSiege @Rainbow6Game @fromL
Thank you for giving me the chance to collaborate with you. 🤜🏼🤣🤛🏼@fromL -san!!!
なにこれ、すごくカッコいい!!!😍What is this? It's super cool!🤟🏼🤟🏼 twitter.com/Kubaushi/statu…
"MAHOROBA" now open. I directed and conceptualized a video for a Japanese dance team @dazaifumahoroba. We hope that this video will bring you all a little of excite, even though the difficult time continues. We'll get through this, together. MITENE! youtu.be/2jdsctsyE6w
The strongest non-development formation.🤔 私が考える最強の非開発メンツ
I took on the challenge of recreating Hinokami Kagura from Kimetsu no Yaiba for the dance video. The location where the video was shot, Kamado Shrine in Kyushu, Japan, is rumored to be the origin of Tanjiro Kamado. #ヒノカミ神楽 #鬼滅の刃 #DemonSlayer twitter.com/dazaifumahorob…
Weekly Game Dev Manga.😆Who is John-kun from Iowa?
Chief Impact Officer🤘 twitter.com/PageSix/status…
Weekly Manga EN ver. 🤟🏼🤟🏼 Warm story about a real life experience at a Hello Work and a tax office 😌.
Weekly Manga. 🤟🏼My embarrassing memories in TGA. #TheGameAwards @elonmusk
Weekly Manga : ゴットオブウォーおじさんとわたし @corybarlog 🤟🏼
When will her actual scale figure be released? I'm saving up and waiting for it.💰🪙🤑 twitter.com/IGN/status/139…
In the game, Ethan is tortured and harassed by Lady Dimitrescu. I enjoy it from Ethan's point of view. I wish this time could go on forever.🖤