Today my workplace background is Bakuon!! One's school days, I used to drive a KAWASAKI ZEPHYR. I'd like to ride a motorcycle if there is an opportunity again. Ninja, HAYABUSA , KATANA ...GSX400X IMPULSE...etc. 今日の作業用アニメはばくおん!父の影響で乗りまわしてたのを思い出す。
#ghostoftushima はじめました
Japan drawn with an open minded eye. ”Understand your country with a third person view. Rediscover the beauty/cool of your country.” I felt like that's what was being said from my ghost.😌 #GhostofTsusima @SuckerPunchProd
I resumed my night walk / 夜散歩 to find the ghosts lurking in the urban. Electronic sounds in the silence, flickering signals, lukewarm wind, animals talking...These are all capture the imagination and leave a more impressive weird impact. via : MONKEY MAJIK / Change
Cool 🥰& Dejavu.🤔…
Hello, This is Nikumi! Today I made the Chaliapin’s steak bowl that will be featured in Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma. #食戟のソーマ #shokugekinosoma
Black Myth: Wu Kong. I was thrilled to be able to turn into a bug and control it. A unique character / Yokai, Wu Kong's varied actions. Classy effects in a flashy way. And I love the music so much! Can't wait. この西遊記はおいしい予感☺️🙏🏼…
What urban legends are of interest to you guys? Paranormal activity and conspiracies have always piqued our curiosity. This is one of my field of expertise. - MK Ultra, Agenda 21, and Georgia GuideStone. In a new world like this, I want to enjoy "WHY" I do it. 😊🤔
So here's a fun fact. It's been suggested that the Japanese word for a shrine gate "Torii" is derived from the Hebrew for gate, "taraa." In fact, there are a number of Japanese words and expressions that can be traced back to Hebrew. 🧐🤔😃
A friend of mine sent me this art Ikumi Attano!😳I want to say thank you to the person who drew this beautiful art. Emily Kaldwin of Disonerd series are one of my favorite female characters. The complex relationship between Emily and Corvo in the first in particular touched me.☺️
The theme of EDM vs Rock is very unique.@NoStraightRoads🤣I feel like I'm also influenced by Jet set radio and FLCL. It seems to be Malaysia's first original IP with worldwide support. It very excited about the future of the gaming industry in Malaysia. 🧐…
I've always loved to travel. Getting the culture of the place is my inspiration. Now, I've been planning a trip. 227 hours and 1,000 miles a day driving. My travel advisor says, "You may encounter bandits / 盗賊. Get your equipment ready." I may hire a mercenary. Very exciting.🧐
Today was a good day for shooting.😊
This was sent to me by a friend. What happened to this? There's a cool me in #Skyrim. Anyway, I hope my sword is a Nichirintou.😃🤣
I used to be an game designer like you. then I took an arrow in the knee...
Like this mod, I wanted to be strong enough to take an arrow and not lose it, too. In fact, I think that eliminating "collision" would make people stronger. この中村は強い。…
When I'm simmering at work, I watch this video. I call these lovely beings, "The Nasi Goreng Siblings." I want them to appear in the game's environmental NPCs. ナシゴレン兄妹がバチバチに尊い🙏🏼☺️…
Has anyone tried this? For me, this movie was great. 洗剤のCMとコラボした方が良いと思うくらい美しい恋愛映画ですよね。#midsommar
Ikumi Nakamura expanded smelting skills to include educational toys from junk materials. #TheVeryHungryCaterpillar 廃棄物から知育玩具を錬成するスキルを広げた。#はらぺこあおむし
@Neil_Druckmann Super Kawaii Dance 😃It's Halloween, I'd like to see Joel's freestyle after he was beaten to death. 🎃
I currently work part time on a construction site to support my lifestyle. I was present last night for water main project. Today I went straight to the Zoom meeting. I'm a game creator, construction worker, and DEAD SEC. #WatchDogsLegion @WatchDogs_UK
I rarely get jealous, but today I was really jealous of his ability to think and do things. This world is full of geniuses.#lowcostcosplay
Gaming apparel, cool style and super comfy. Thank you! @ark8net@DestinyTheGame @Borderlands 普段使いにも最適なゲームのファッションブランドを発見。せっかくなので写真撮影しておきました😄
I was doing some research and found this article. I hope the user's voice can be bigger and drive something. #okami #大神…