The Japanese modern horror game ‘SIREN’ is still loved for 16 years. I think it's a great pleasure for Siren’s game developers. #SIREN展2019 におじゃましました。@mu_gakken…
I Was Born for This! Glad to meet again! この道や ゆく人なしに この道や 秋の暮れ〜🎶 😭 @thatgamecompany #風の旅ビト…
Hello, @DIESEL -san. I wore your satin mix bomber jacket at the E3 game show this past June. This jacket was like an armour to me; it protected me from getting too nervous and gave me courage to speak in front of thousands of people. Thank you very much.…
@sailorscoutlana Tada! My gift to you. What were you expecting, magic? I believe in ghosts, not wizards. I'm always serious. Suddenly today, This clothes spoke for me "Someone who wants me". It's spooky...just kidding! I will send it to you. Please take care of my legendary clothes.
@sailorscoutlana Your tweet was impressive. I would like to give you a jacket if you want. How about that?
Look for ...I saw a few days ago about the clothes I came to at E3. He / she was jokingly saying “I want clothes but it's expensive, so my sell organs”. I am looking for that person now. Do you know anyone??🤔
Millet style paintings + Brutalism style robots I just love worldview☺️ @deepsilver #IronHarvest #アイアン・ハーベスト
Я слышал о большом пожаре, ты и твоя семья в безопасности? Я надеюсь, что дожди. Я надеюсь, что все получается хорошо. I heard about the big wildfire, are you and your family safe? 早く雨が降りますように。…
Hey, just so you know. I'm always watching... 👁
Creating the Sasa Snctuary environment was my 1st job. I caused trouble for SENPAIs because of my inexperience.😝Since that time, I have been proud to be able to start my career from the great creative team. @OKAMI_CAP
Congratulations Okami ! The music is really sweet and still plays in my brain. Okami was my first project when I was a newcomer. This is the work that I love so much with a lot of memories. If somebody ask "What project do you want to get involved again?" to me, I'll answer Okami…
Spooky sensation is feels good. 違和感が気持ちよい #tokyonight
諸君、Холодное квас и Чебурек являются лучшими❤️
Привет! Большое спасибо за Кириллица комментарии в Instagram!ARIGATO 🙏Спасибо! Мне очень приятно! кстати, Это квас сезон, да? そろそろクワスの美味しい季節が来ますね〜😋
I respect the cosplayers' passion for what they love. They love characters, study, and reproduce them in reality. It is a passion very similar to creative we do. The cosplayers that become characters I created are a source of creative energy. I can be a creator for them, again.
@Tachiyomi01 @Bethesda_fr @TheEvilWithin I want to meet your keeper 😘
Today, I go to my favorite bar, "the Keeper's bar". Whenever I visit, he always care about me, and give advices for my life. @TheEvilWithin
Haruhi, K-ON!, Free!...I grew up watching Kyoto Animations. KyoAni is gave a great experience on me. Game and Anime are the nearest industry. I can’t help myself feeling sad. 心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。
#GhostWireTokyo @playGhostwire Raptured Apocalypse + Near Future Tokyo + Supernatural Official E3 Teaser Trailer Is this? “Normal” or “Paranormal?”
The 1st picture is one of the favouritest arts. I can feel how hard to express MITENE pose in such a minimal and sophisticated design. SUGOI!!!
Nowadays, We working hard on our project #GhostwireTokyo , so that I DO NOT have enough time to tell something great for you guys at Twitter. To make up for this, I'll use fan arts from you as my profile picture, and also change it everyday(maybe) with gratitude.🤜🤛
We made these apparel for this project #Ghostwiretokyo. To me, bringing designs to life is part of a important process in a game development. You’ve seen it in the trailer as well as the E3 show. #playGhostwire
Best of E3 2019 – Day One: Trailer, Surprise, New IP, Graphics @HardcoreGamerより #GhostwireTokyo
I thank Christopher Isak-san. “Stay authentic and don’t pretend to be someone you are not. The people will love you for it.” These words indeed encouraged me. Arigato 😌🙏…