Let’s go #UBIDAY2019
Dorohedoro Noi- chan also great women #ドロヘドロ
I respect the most top3 Manga ’s women are Integra #hellsing , Balalaika #blacklagoon , and Mami Tomoe 🙏 #MadokaMagica
I would call it the “Batsu” button in Japan and the “X” button in the rest of the world to bring peace and harmony once and for all. 😊 You're headed in a new direction. Is that exciting? Terrifying? Think about it. it's not too late to avoid the dark times ahead. Act now. 🤗
My name is Ikumi Nakamura. And yes, I'm talking to you. Thinking about "what-ifs" is fun. People likes to think about Alternative universe 🤔 If I become (fake) WWS chairman, I would make PS Now free for three months to all gamers who buy a new dual shock controller. 🧐 🕹🎮
I found a nostalgic my JoJo pose gif
With all the six developer stones, I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist.
I met Mr. @yosp Yoshida -san for the first time Today. very excited 😆 He has insight. 🧐 Maybe he has a third eye. 👁
I’d like to officially announce my candidacy for chairman of SIE Worldwide Studios. @GameOverGreggy @jmdornbush
I do what I must because I can. I finally finished checking over 2000 emails that arrived on LinkedIn. Thank you for the offers that show me new futures! 🥰I couldn't reply some of them, but I read all of them.😉
STAND USER: Cory Barlog STAND: Ikumi of War STAND ABILITY: Vanishing objects and ascension to the plane between normal and paranormal.
Finished my new encounter and farewell tour in the US. I thank everyone for their support. 🙏 My vision’s broadened and I have so many paths in front of me. I’ll go back to Japan and reorganize my thoughts. It’s questioning time with myself! Explore new opportunities!! 🤗
ジョジョ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 twitter.com/FedexHollow/st…
The warm community member of Bethesda and Zenimax gave the SAYONARA party. Nooo! We are always connected by ‘Wire’. またね〜👋 @zenimax @bethesda
Thank so much @SonySantaMonica gave me a creative adrenaline rush. 🧠 I learned that it is the people there that make the studio amazing. Live long and prosper. The work environment was so wonderful I almost lost control of my bladder. 😜 Corytos and Ikureus #GodofWar
I visited @riotgames . It ’s like a university campus and it reawakened my spirit of youth. #LeagueOfLegends Keep making the legend👊🏻
I made contact with Corey from the planet called Santa Monica. We Naruto run together but found no aliens. To the aliens, we are the aliens. So maybe we did find aliens. Or he embedded a chip into my brain that gave me a creative adrenaline rush. 🖖 @corybarlog @SonySantaMonica twitter.com/corybarlog/sta…
Iku-wee's Big Adventure ! 🏃🏻‍♀️#peeweebigadventure #cabazondinosaurs
“I will become a bigger badass than my father. And a stronger shinobi than my mother!” #narutoquotes #NarutoRun @NARUTO_kousiki #StormArea51 🍥👽
I meet this dogmeat-chan 😘 at the swap meet #fallout4 君はフリマが得意なフレンズなんだね !#KemonoFriends
Happy weekend! Here is the date’s shake give Sugar High for me 🤪#HadleyFruitOrchard
Perfect breakfast
This pizza circle appeared from nowhere in the center of the four Arizona stones at midnight in my hotel. ‘Pizza summoner🍕’ #pizzacircle @DrinkAriZona