ここは一つ みんなで 力を合わせて 大神サマの ご機嫌取りと 行かねェか? なァにチョイと 天に向かって 手を合わせ 心の中で 感謝の気持ちを捧げるだけだィ 🙏 #okami twitter.com/AUTOMATONJapan…
Kamiya -san will block me for posting this unedited version of the photo! I am guilty of correcting his true image. So I am the same as everyone blocked. His blocking me is a gift to me. 🤗🤗 神谷さんのブロックはご褒美!
I want to see simply great games and games that gamers want to play be developed. I don’t understand budgets and politics. 🤔 I just want to continue to be a creator that can say that great things are great. #Okami is one of those that have the power to overcome all of that.☺️
Okami is going to be back! We want to make Okami sequel and fans are looking forward to it too. You guys want to see Kamiya’s Okami again, right, everyone? I want to work on it too! 大神をまた作りたい私たちです。🙏😊@CapcomUSA_ @OKAMI_CAP
He hasn’t changed a bit. He’s like my big brother, close neighbor, always watching out for me. 😊He’s been my inspiration and he’ll continue to be one. His creativity will forever live. Let’s protec Kamiya-san! 神谷さんを守ろう!😁 @PG_kamiya @platinumgames_j
’DMC is back! ’ I remember when Itsuno-san’s E3 2018 speech was impressive. Thank you for the opportunity to meet! 🙏 youtu.be/xMt_Rj9tZx4 @devilmaycry_jp @capcom @tomqe
This is where it all begin...BANG BANG BANG 💥💥 ゲーム業界スタートの地!@capcom @devilmaycry_jp
I will attend @migs__ Montreal summit as Speaker on Nov! 【OPEN MINDED CREATIVE DESIGNS. 】⚡️🧠 ⚡️ megamigs.com/en/conference/…
It's common sense. Just like everyone has different personalities and characteristics, every game characters should have narratives that are specifically geared for them. We need them to be “alive” and “real” in the game . 🤔
I think it is wonderful that the game director can project his/her own life stories into their own game. Some of the points people experience, especially about life and death, are common, so users empathize the points and it results in an emotional work.
Please be careful There is a typhoon warning in JPN. 台風にお気をつけて下さい。 Learn from, レインボーシックス:シージ “Armor Panel” . How to protect yourself from typhoons. @Rainbow6Game @Rainbow6JP
WWE...WWS...WWE...WWS... 😐 I learned that it's dangerous to twitter when I'm half asleep.🤐 My feelings are ready to join WWE. However, my body is not flexible and needs to be trained....
I was elected @WWE chairman! I ’ll do my best! 😊💪
It’s Sony... Oops, It’s Spooky! @SonyJapanStudio
I respect my ancestor words. “I ’d rather protect a living, breathing person I can touch than some shogun above the clouds I ’ll never see.”
Hi Dan-san and Elvira-san. My ancestor has a member of The Shinsengumi . So, I give her support samurai power from JPN. calm down, open your eyes, deep breath...be confident! It makes you look strong. GANBARE! twitter.com/TheGhostStalk/…
Oops, I sinned. The correct Ikumi's gate PR poster is this. Always peaceful.
Now. You’re my family. I am your friend and you are my soul. And together, we will march to Ikumi’s Gate. “YES! “ or “No!” @FarCrygame #FarCry5 @ubiday_JP
Thanks @karetakoe さんと、LMGを貸して下さったタチャンカさん、ありがとうございます。買って良かった@watchdogsgame の傘!
Tachanka Dance with @karetakoe -san тача́нка Танец! I dreamed of dancing this dance! It came true today. Arigatou 🙏😄@ubiday_JP @Rainbow6JP @Rainbow6Game @Ubisoft #Tachanka
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... Vaas at Far cry 3 “異常”の定義を知ってるか?異常は何度も何度も繰り返すこと 変化を信じてな それが異常だ @farcry3game @ubiday_JP
People might say that's a joke. Hey but did you know? If you say it so many times, it becomes the truth. It's always exciting to add few bumps to the level road. @ubiday_JP @Ubisoft
I met Clint Hocking creative director of @watchdogsgame @ubiday_JP @Ubisoft