Celestial Fang 🩸busy with college(@CelestialFang)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

If you struggle with drawing anatomy just go learn how to do makeup and weight lift for a while It will force you to remember the anatomy like nothing else and you’ll look sexier on the side
Art really is one of the most fun skills you can pick up After knowing the fundamentals like color theory and anatomy, it becomes easy to learn every type of visual art. Like if you know digital painting you are also good at makeup, sculpture, costuming and so on UwU
Step process! I used @magicposerapp to figure out the difficult lighting ✨
Many people have asked why all my characters have white hair. There’s actually a special reason (1/6)
Compilation of wips that I don’t know what to do with next
Came to the realisation that the biggest obstacle to my art is just fear of drawing 🥲 lift the pen and instant anxiety
Name a more intense love-hate relationship than you with ur art…. I’ll wait…
I am begging gacha games to actually add girl characters who are buff and scarred don’t be a coward
This was funny at first but now that I think about it more, it could be dangerous for someone in a less fortunate state than me I don’t care how ‘concerned’ you are, don’t pull this shit and make assumptions especially when you don’t even know the person irl twitter.com/CelestialFang/…
Human men are like ‘love you babe’ But robot overlords are like ‘The only way you may remain by my side is by being transcended, tortured until your hated flesh has been replaced by the strength of steel. *brushes claw along your jaw* oh, how I will savour your screams.’
In 2022 I accomplished… great disappointment for my traditional Asian family- declaring that I’m NB, cutting hair off, being a weeb and creating over 5gb of gay robot erotica Let’s try to beat it next year
“This doesn’t look scientifically/anatomically accurate” I know!! It looks nicer this way!!!
Broke: Get into shape for your health Woke: Get into shape to use yourself as muscle drawing reference
Yeep the first threats for sharing this tip has come in. I’m begging you to touch grass if a tutorial on a certain style that doesn’t apply to you offends you that badly twitter.com/CelestialFang/…
Thank you for commissioning me! 💕 twitter.com/LoveRisaMei/st…
“What do you do for work?” Me: Draw illustrations “What do you do for hobbies?” Me: Draw fanart “What do you do for self care?!” Me: ... draw OCs
Skitarii maid, twinkiest servant of the Omnissiah
Don’t feel bad about hating your art. It means that your tastes and standards have improved compared to last time & it’s only a matter of time before your skill catches up 👌
Why aren’t any churches asking me to paint murals for them :( is it because I keep trying to put tentacles on Jesus
2019-2021 robot boys are still hot but I’m so damn edgy now twitter.com/explodikid/sta…
One of my worst fears would be if robot partners became common but they only made them to look exactly like hot human women to market them at straight men and no one else 💀 don’t be a coward, give us faceless 7ft monsters or don’t give us anything