Celestial Fang 🩸busy with college(@CelestialFang)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

1. I meet cute guy 2. We talk 3. I explain to him that the flesh is weak and how I desire to modify humans into transcendent machines to better serve the dark gods 4. He leaves 😭
“Nice art but I wish you had changed it to this thing I like instead” Cool. Commissions start at 800 USD and you can pay that to request edits <3
Biomechanical bonsai ship for my OCs
Wish I can be an asteroid falling into the dark, alone once more
Character designers for games need to understand that less clothes doesn’t mean more sexy. All the sexiest characters are fully armoured and don’t even show their faces 🌚
Would like to say again that my art will always have over the top horror, evil characters and BDSM themes. 👍 It’s ok if you don’t like seeing it, but everyone has free creative expression and if you’re endangering real people over it then get off the internet.
Sol and her evil 11 ft robot scientist boyfriend
Can you really call it classical art if there is no sexy twink
Sketch Painting
30 min studies
QRT the character vs how you drew the character twitter.com/ddengart/statu…
If you ever feel unoriginal just remember that galleries are like 80% Jesus fanart
40k but make it Renaissance and with hot dudes
Editing a drawing a month later. Pay attention to believable rendering 🤧
Bow to your new machine overlord
Character design based on octopus :3
You there, artist! Show me your body horror art!
My darling edgelord son
Concept sketch today :3
Isn’t the new eldritch monster OC I’m working on hot