Celestial Fang 🩸busy with college(@CelestialFang)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Moon and night
Bonus points if I can date them
Hi I’m turning 21 today so I’m allowed to ask for rts on my art 😳
Defender of your eternity #GenshinImpact #raidenshogun
Heard crop is gone so please admire them again in all their glory #GenshinImpact
My favourite types of ships
Girlfriends ruling a nation together #GenshinImpact #原神
Painting metal be like
Happy birthday #kokomi 🌊
翩跹明星 #yunjin
Ningguang skins I want #GenshinImpact
[OC] Flesh Artist
Modern media is so degenerate and full of gays and fetishes, why can’t we go back to good, pure traditional art like this smh
I will never stop putting the gay Lantern Rite agenda on your timeline #GenshinImpact
If the past centuries have been lonely, then allow me to be your new flame? #GenshinImpact
A tip to improve the colors in your digital art (especially if you’re going for a painterly style)
Do you hear the song of the ocean deep? Kokomi for her lovely VA @LoveRisaMei ! #kokomi #GenshinImpact
I think we can all agree this is the best ship dynamic
XiaoVen again because the crop did them so dirty #GenshinImpact #原神
Lady of Spindrift #Eula #GenshinImpact
Did anyone else grow up being told that you’re ‘talented at art’ and a ‘child genius’ only to have a rude awakening upon realising that you’re a tiny fish in the ocean of the art industry with no special gift-