🏮 Zakuga Mignon Art🏮(@ZakugaMignon)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Can we start cracking down on image theft ML now? Clearly we all knew it was going here. twitter.com/tprstly/status…
Slowly we are bringing change to the world, Japan is slowly becoming aware AI/ML is stealing and harassing artists ゆっくりと日本に変化をもたらしました! twitter.com/nhk_nw9/status…
I’ve gotten DMs of ppl asking if they are being petty but you have to realize: Working professional adults are using our art for their promos, covers, and videos and telling us to shut up when we ask them to stop using Ai. It’s not petty to ask them to stop.
About 4 months ago I was talking about how they will use their “research” and a “non-profit” as their scape goat. Do not support anyone using Ai/ML it’s stolen goods. Do not buy their books, or buy their music using AI images as their covers or animation. twitter.com/franklingraves…
I feel like a lot of people are getting lost when they hear big tech say "there are no images in the training data", you have to understand there are no images online at all. Everything on a PC is just data representing something. Even an image online is just data.
It’s ironic that many want to charge you for their games made with Ai/ML art theft, but believe all the labor and materials for the game should be free. Because their work is “hard work”, but an artist work is “democratization”, and artist love drawing anyway. Hypocritical? twitter.com/PK_SRMT/status…
Alright let’s play this little game of “democratization” What’s stopping us from just pirating your books? You what? Worked hard writing it? Ha. I don’t believe in copyright. That song? That game? Ha, I don’t believe in “hard work”, it’s actually gatekeeping.
I’m so tired rn. “We can explain away the exploitation and cultural biases because….” Because you like free labor. No such thing as see we started with this sketch and made it into this: “so it’s not unethical” Ai right now is unethical. Please hire an artist twitter.com/bradfordlitfes…
I’ve personally gotten many emails from artists thinking of stopping drawing to thoughts of unaliving. This is more serious than the media let’s on. Many of the users are older and do not understand how it’s hurting artists and think “capitalisticly” this is an easy $ for them. twitter.com/tprstly/status…
When I show people AI like this there are always comments with "It can already draw better than me". Its not drawing, its stolen training data on the best artists in the world, of course stealing from the best is going to give you good generations. What Laion is doing is illegal
Happy birthday Tifa, you go get some!
Tifa train For Tifa’s birthday post your art of Tifa! #fr7r #ff7
There is a site selling classes to Authors on not only how to "write prompts", but get a stylized cover in an art style you want. Midjourney had stated "You cannot use the generated AI for commercial use". We know it is being used for this, and doing real harm to indies
Grimes is advocating and making sure her name and team to have 100% copyright of GrimesAI to make money, still she pushes “Artwork should be free and no-copyright”. We need to stand together with other creatives, not push one down for personal gain.
In the comments are letters for you to use and send to your local and higher governments about the dangers and exploitation of AI/ML twitter.com/potus/status/1…
Artists are at a catch 22. We should have guilds speaking on our behalf like authors and musicians have, but we don’t. Artists are often independent and have to speak out for ourselves. But speaking out constantly about harms of ML is draining and can have mental exhaustion.
Please take some time to sign and share, we need 3k more signatures! change.org/p/artists-crea…
We really need to start publishing our 2D full work flows. Like the full 40-60 hour concept, reference and painting. It's odd even our own industry thinks a 2D painting can be done in a day. twitter.com/WillowCreativ/…
Everyone Patreon is looking for opinions on AI/ML content. It's important that those actually putting in work to make art are the ones supported. Please let them know your thoughts: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI…
Patreon is taking a survey that will influence how their platform views its artists/writers in the future. I think its important for us to have places safe for artists. Coms have the survey
The system of “you will be compensated for your contribution in AI” is bullshit. One you cannot track it, and I don’t want to be forced to be a part of this. My art is already everywhere in romance indie cover using Ai. I DO NOT want to be forced into my own oblivion.
Fantia also joining non-AI movement. Depending on how Patreon handles this so far there are options as a backup: Ko-Fi FanBox Fantia twitter.com/michlayer1/sta…
I have really mixed feelings of authors using Ai/ML images for their marketing and supporting the writers strike and to not pirate their work 1) Artists need all the support we can get (seems like we are bottom of the food chain in ML) 2) Why is one okay but the other is not?