TTT is really my name | READY TO BE(@StuckOnTwice247)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

I'm voting for TWICE, of course! #MAMAVOTE #twice
Non-ONCE: TwIcE aRe NoBoDiEs In ThE wEsT TWICE: Sells out a stadium concert in 15 minutes 🔥🔥🔥
The 09 was definitely intentional. All 9 member colours were represented and eventually it changed to the CBZ colour at the end (symbolising ONCE) 🥹 @JYPETWICE
(TRANS) Tzuyu’s mother was interviewed: “When I heard Tzuyu contracted COVID of course I was really worried. I asked her how she was, did she feel uncomfortable anywhere?” She replied, “I’m alright, my throat just feels a bit scratchy but otherwise I’m ok. There’s no fever too -…
They’re playing the game where they have to eat something without getting caught by the teacher. Jihyo: -eating blatantly- Dahyun: I love you teacher! Jeongyeon: TELL US ABOUT YOUR FIRST LOVE 😂😂😂
18 - Yes I Am Dahyun video 19 - TW-Log 22 - TTT 23 24 - TWICE III in Japan ONCE are well-fed this week :)
It shouldn't have to be said, but just because a member isn't performing for whatever reason doesn't mean she ceases to be part of the group. If you're introducing the members of TWICE, Jeongyeon's name should be there regardless.
Sana: The last time we came we didn’t have all 9 members.. you probably remember that we cried a lot. But today during the concert I made eye contact several times with the members and everyone was so happy and excited to be here. I’m so grateful all 9 of us could be here 💜
In case anyone is thinking of sleeping early tonight, Tzuyu has something to say:
Glad that TWICE decided to hold a concert in Guam rather than attend the MMAs in 2018 #MAMAVOTE #twice
JY: Teacher, we want to hear about your first love! SN: Ahahahahaha~ NY: Ohhh she seems happy you asked that CY: You must have been really popular 😂😂😂
Nayeon’s TMI: I tried to make kimchi fried rice recently but I failed. While making it Mina watched over me angrily haha making sure I don’t mess up
Listen up, TWICE got 1M pre-orders not for you to use as clapbacks or as justification that TWICE are more successful than ________. This is a validation of their consistent hard work, and only ONCE and TWICE are invited for the celebration. Everyone else, this ain't about you.
BREAKING: Netflix and JYPE have confirmed that Park Jihyo will have a cameo role in Business Proposal Season 2! She will also have a duet with long-time friend, lead actress Kim Sejeong, and the song will feature in the OST. #JIHYO #지효 #Sejeong #김세정 #BusinessProposal
Jeongyeon: Do you wanna hear something sad? When I was young… Jihyo: I can already tell it’s going to be boring Nayeon: Yeah it’s sad, we get it Love 3MIX 🤣🤣🤣 @JYPETWICE
Momo telling Nayeon to just forget about her lost phone is the funniest thing I’ve seen today
Bear in mind that website voting accounted for 50% of the overall score. TWICE had 3.01% while PSY had a mere 0.01%. Even taking into account MV views and Spotify voting there was no way he could have overtaken TWICE, so this is NOT due to a lack of effort.
I think the reason why TWICE stay so relatable and down to earth is because they've never forgotten their humble beginnings. They started with no privileges, virtually unknown and performing in school halls and on the streets. They really worked hard all the way to the top.
Someone protect Chaeyoung from her dangerous unnies @JYPETWICE
VOGUE GIRL JAPAN INTERVIEW WITH MINA 220324 Full interview thread here. Translated by @StuckOnTwice247 Feel free to use with credits! @JYPETWICE @JYPETWICE_JAPAN Part 1:
Everyone is so whipped for Tzuyu but Jeongyeon has had enough 🤣🤣 @JYPETWICE
Just remember that music show wins doesn’t equate to impact. What Nayeon has achieved is unprecedented and no one can ever take that away from her. I’m proud of Nayeon, of TWICE, and of ONCE today :)
Sana: We're watching you ONCE, we know ONCE go to other places after the activity ends, even if you think we don't know. If you do leave I predict you will regret it and eventually come back to our side. Whatever you choose to do is on you, but if you didn't leave, that's great…