TTT is really my name | READY TO BE(@StuckOnTwice247)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

The size of their staff team 🤯🤯🤯 Thank you to all the PDnims, cameramen, sound crew, editors and other staff members for your hard work, giving us week after week of wholesome content with @JYPETWICE 😭 You’re the MVP!
“JUST BE YOURSELF” LYRICS TRANSLATION Apologies if there are errors. I tried my best to distill the meaning and portray the friendship in the song. Feel free to use with credits :) JUST BE YOURSELF #TWICE_SURPRISE_RELEASE #JUST_BE_YOURSELF_OUT_NOW @JYPETWICE @JYPETWICE_JAPAN
Sana: Recently in the middle of the night I got a text from Chaeyoung out of the blue that said “I love you!” I thought “wow, she must really love us deeply!” Mina: I got a text saying “Mina-oneesan (older sister), I love you”. I thought she must be drunk.
This isn’t just any other award, it’s a recognition of TWICE as artists who continue to innovate and better themselves while retaining their authenticity. So proud!!! TWICE Billboard Breakthrough Award #TWICE_BreakthroughAward #BBWomenInMusic             @JYPETWICE
My favourite part was Tzuyu’s seamless transition from head voice to falsetto!
Probably the best unscripted moment of Soulmate TTT
Congratulations @JYPETWICE! 🏆 For me, no trophy is better than seeing TWICE as 9.
I'm voting for TWICE (@JYPETWICE) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
Jeongyeon: Last night I was really nervous because it’s been a long time since I’ve been on stage. I’m so happy to be back, as happy as I can be! Oh, Momo needs more time to memorise her English lines… It’s so great to be finally here after 3 long years! Thank you everyone! 💚
(TRANS) Q: Who is the member who has grown the most since debut? Everyone chose Dahyun! Jihyo: During debut Dahyun was like a child, but she’s really grown up completely and blossomed into a mature adult version!
Q: Which member do you get along with the best usually? Dahyun: Tzuyu! Actually my baseline personality isn't the energetic or bubbly type, but more calm and quiet. These parts are quite similar to Tzuyu 🤍💙…
Does MAMA know I’m a Jihyo stan cos all I’m getting for the CAPTCHA are 🌵 (in a pot or in the sand) #MAMAVOTE #twice
If you have Sana Bubble you can send the following well wishes to her: サナちゃん、お大事に!(Sana, get well soon!) サナちゃん、ゆっくり休んでくださいね (Sana, please rest well) サナちゃん、パワー届けますよ! (Sana, I’m sending you power!)
1) MV ads exist. Nothing wrong with that. 2) Skipping ads is something you and I do. It's nothing wrong or personal. 3) What is gravely wrong is calling Dahyun racist slurs/body-shaming her/calling her a liar when all she did was listen to TWICE on YT.
CY: when we're together it becomes our strength, even saying we are family can't completely explain what TWICE is. MM: when a member is down, other members make it a point to cheer her up. When I see this I think, "it's great that we are 9".…
Sana was crying so hard her whimpering could be heard and her shoulders were shaking, but all the while the members stayed by her side to watch over her. Nayeon and Jihyo hugged her tightly, Dahyun huddled close on her shoulder while Momo was beside her throughout 😭😭😭…
SK-II is a huge skincare brand that’s popular in Japan, Korea and China. Japan’s previous brand ambassadors were actresses Ayase Haruka and Koyuki Kato, meaning that Mina is the first idol to be a brand ambassador for SK-II! 💚 MINA FOR SK-II #MinaxSKII #ピテラと私 @JYPETWICE
ONCE are so well-fed but today really feels like a buffet line @JYPETWICE
So apparently JYP was spotted in Cebu attending a Bible study… Does that mean TWICE’s upcoming concept is angels and they’ll be moving to gospel music
I think this needs to be said more: Nayeon’s POP was one of the best things that happened in K Pop in 2022.
I know we’re all really excited to see Jihyo drive but I wish we could got to see Jihyo Park
False information??? I’m not buying it unless you provide proof that the photo was fake. It’s looking pretty bad, opening sexualising #8 when she was still a minor? You’re going down. APOLOGIZE TO CHAEYOUNG ! #KICK_OUT_HYUNSEUNG @YOUNITE_twt PROTECT CHAEYOUNG! @jypnation…
Jeongyeon crying cos she saw ONCE in the audience and got emotional for Nayeon’s debut solo 🥹🥹 it really seems to me that though they’re TWICE, each member is graciously shining the spotlight on Nayeon and cheering her on wholeheartedly… I’m crying too
Q: Do you have pressure as a vocal? Jihyo: Pressure… I enjoy myself while singing. More than the pressure I want to enjoy and sing happily, I want to keep that in mind 💛
Not Dahyun thinking the perfume was for her 😭😭 @JYPETWICE