Jeongyeon: I practised really hard and trained myself mentally for this concert. I honestly didn’t think I would make it until the end of the tour, but I did 💚
Jeongyeon: It’s been a long time since I last participated in a concert. I was actually really nervous and worried prior to the concert. But once I stood on stage I realised everyone really loved me. And once I heard the music I just knew I really really wanted to participate. 💚
Nayeon: I really drank till I was very drunk, I think I didn’t have the determination, so I endured it cos it’s a variety show. But once I got on the car I felt things were spinning, so I asked Chaeyoung “what should I do? I’m like very drunk.” And Chaeyoung said “Oh, right.” twitter.com/billti4life/st…
every member cried tonight... The reason is TWICE never take any performance for granted, they never take their fans for granted, and they're always thankful to be sharing their music. Their tears tell me that they still have the same love for their craft, their fans, the stage.
now that the members have their solo IG accounts there's always a risk that it becomes a popularity contest of who has more followers. I hope as ONCE we'll be blind to follower numbers and follow all 9 of them. They deserve nothing but our love and support.
Translated this article because I think more people should know just how genuinely kind, thoughtful and warm Tzuyu is 💙 couldn’t stop smiling reading it. twitter.com/ettodaystar/st…
Music show wins - 119
US Senate Primary wins - 1 (NEW)
Congratulations @JYPETWICE!!!
Dahyun: Actually I have a cold today... But I think I am getting better because your energy is so hot. I'm very hot now. I have something to say. Flowers cannot be without sunshine. TWICE cannot be without ONCE's love! Everyone please stay healthy. I hope to see you again!🤍
2 winners🍓🍓
1 copy each of Neon Lime and Pink
1) Like & rt
2) reply with your favourite song written by Chaeyoung + hashtags #TWICE #트와이스 #CHAEYOUNG #채영 #YesIamChaeyoung
Ends 12/1/2023, 23:59 KST. Good luck!
TWICE member bubble experience - a recent summary:
Nayeon - Lost & Found
Jeongyeon - Stunning selcas
Momo - Tech support
Sana - Food appreciation
Jihyo - latest dramas
Mina - rants/random killer selcas
Dahyun - vibing with ONCE
Chaeyoung - music recs
Tzuyu - pets/food
Because personal comments are not allowed during Music Bank (if the idols don't ask questions, the fans can only stay quiet), but in the silence Jeongyeon suddenly shouted, "So sexy!" twitter.com/billti4life/st…
Jeongyeon: Thank you ONCE for allowing me to finish this tour 🥺🥺 And lastly my mum really really liked the fact that I’m on stage. In Korea time my video comes out at around 1-2pm, and she watches them all the time and cries. I promise to be thankful for everything in my life.
Jihyo: Last night was our first night of the tour and we were so nervous and made a lot of mistakes, so we really wanted to do well for you tonight. But in the end we realised it’s not about what we had to do or what we did wrong, it’s that we can be with you for this concert 💛
NY: Hello everyone! I’m TWICE’s Nayeon! Last year this time too we held a concert in this exact same venue, so to be back here again after 1 year as a guest performer for PSY sunbaenim feels really great! Does everyone feel the same way?
Everyone: Yes!!!