TTT is really my name | READY TO BE(@StuckOnTwice247)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Q: When does Jeongyeon feel that she’s really cool and charismatic? Jeongyeon: During concert…
Onitsuka Tiger are releasing a series of shoes made from a new material derived from cactus. They will go on sale from January 2023. In her role as the brand ambassador, Momo appeared dashing as she walked on the green carpet. “I’ve walked on red carpets before but it’s my first-
not the "TWICE are overworked" narrative again... I assure you normal working people don't need a whole year in the Maldives to rest and recharge, because work gives you purpose and energy too (certainly true in TWICE's case when they're making music and holding concerts)
Then vs Now We started our journey with 9, and that’s how it’ll always be ❤️ @JYPETWICE
Dahyun is so cute I can’t
Jeongyeon and Sana really tried tricking Tzuyu that marshmallows grow in fields 😂😂
(TRANS) Q1: If you had a celebratory cake to eat? L - Fresh cream cake R - Chocolate cake Q2: If you could choose your position in TWICE? L - maknae R - leader Q3: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life? L - spicy food R - sweet
Block button is in full force tonight. Sorry I don't deal with people who lose their morals over an ad and then flip it around and play victim. So keep coming :)
I didn’t notice this during the concert but Jihyo actually did the pinkie promise at the last line of Fanfare 約束しよう always by your side (Let’s make a promise) 🥺🥺 @JYPETWICE @JYPETWICE_JAPAN
Talk That Talk has got to be a diss track, TWICE have walked the talk so this is directed to the jobless haters yapping away with nothing to show
Dahyun: Actually my height also did increase a bit.. Sana: Yeah she says that all the time but none of the members believes her. Dahyun: Really. 😂😂
Jihyo being the one who asked for Dahyun to be edited into the new Merry & Happy MV so we could have OT9 all together 🥹🥹
An OT9 TTT to start the New Year 🥹🥹
Jeongyeon said she remembers their Japan debut very well, they were on M Station and everyone was really nervous, their stage wasn’t perfect but everyone enjoyed themselves!
The sound engineer needs some work for the next few days
Wendy: Is it true that there really is a groupchat that doesn’t have Jihyo in it? Jihyo: Well, is it true? Sana: -stunned- huh? Jihyo: This makes me really sad 😭😭😭…
Hopefully NaChaeng pave the way for a drinking TTT with drinking games and full-on chaos
Sana with co-CEO and co-Creative Director of Prada, Miuccia Prada 💜
Dahyun dropping a 25 cover on 25th November, exactly a month before Christmas, on her 25th year (Korean counting) and if you add 2 and 5 it’s 7 which is her special number 🤯🤯🤯
I'm thankful that TWICE never swapped out their trademark colour and sound to fit a certain mould. They went into the US market unabashedly as TWICE, putting their unique spin on genres ranging from R&B to House yet keeping their authenticity. And the crowd loves it!!!
Dahyun going to NYC for one of the biggest fashion events is just Queen behavior
Concept 1: Racer Concept 2: High fashion Concept 3: FREE THEIR SHOULDERS
When did you start being a ONCE? For me it was since August 2018 when What Is Love grabbed me in a chokehold heh. 4 years with TWICE, I only wish I’d started sooner!!
It isn't a TWICE cb if there aren't some braindead blonks accusing them of plagiarism... Thanks for the free publicity ig, guess they're gatekeeping the wardrobe now