TTT is really my name | READY TO BE(@StuckOnTwice247)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Tags for TWICE!!!
Dahyun: just now ONCE surprised me by singing happy birthday to me, I lost my words… I’m so happy so many ONCE in America wished me happy birthday! TODAY I AM THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD!!!
Don't entertain any negativity, #Between1and2 and #TalkThatTalk are some of the best works I've seen from TWICE, it's a really high bar and somehow they've reinvented themselves while staying true to the TWICE sound.
Definitely trusting Jeongyeon and the members when they say Talk The Talk is good. I’ve no doubt it will be SOTY level good!!!
Manager gave TMIs for JeongTzu Jeongyeon: Does not wash her face when she goes to work, but it’s very easy to apply makeup that day Tzuyu: First time growing plants (marigold) but they aren’t doing too well. Not dead yet!…
The post says if the hashtag is tweeted 20k times they will release special TWICE content! So trend away!!! #TWICEとCelebrate…
This is the most hyped I've been watching a TWICE MV in a long time. Almost like the first time watching WIL and falling in love with the girls, TTT really fired on all cylinders and if you don't move your body to the chorus, maybe your heart isn't beating.
Jeongyeon telling Dahyun not to use her special talent 🤣🤣 @JYPETWICE
Mina: You can see quite easily the closeness and teamwork that we have. It always comes out in our stage performances. In this sense, I think we're a really great team.…
If you need more follows for your Twitter account for MAMA just reply to this tweet and I’ll follow you with this account and also my 2 other private accounts :)
MISAMO subunit wishlist: Momo choreographs the dance, raps and sings in her comfortable range (back to TSB era) Sana anchors the chorus, more tender vocals in ballads, cute sound effects (Sweet Talker) Mina's spoken voice, master bridge builder, strong vocals in chorus (132)
And also over the years there were times when TWICE couldn't perform as OT9 and definitely it was painful for them. To finally complete 3 days at Tokyo Dome as all 9 members is something really special; it's a memory TWICE and ONCE will cherish forever.
Momo dropping the eggs, everyone screaming then realising they’re not raw eggs is peak chaos 😂😂😂
My birthday wish for Jihyo is that she won’t just be known as TWICE’s leader but also as a trusted friend, a soulmate, a reliable pillar of strength who has your back no matter what. JIHYO BIRTHDAY PARTY #FebruaryStarJihyoDay #올해도_지효와_함께_힘내죠 #TWICE   @JYPETWICE
Jeongyeon finding pockets of time to practise the choreo… It must have been really physically demanding and she really worked so hard to make it to the end of the concert tour 🥺🥺 JEONGYEON BEST GIRL 💚 @JYPETWICE
Manifesting NATIONAL STADIUM, SINGAPORE for Part 2!!! I don’t think @JYPETWICE will have any problem filling the 55 000 seats with ONCE coming in from neighbouring countries. Let’s party!!!
Jihyo ordering coffee and treats for her ITZY juniors while overseas just screams compassionate big CEO energy. JYPE -> JHPE when?
The irony of Jihyo being the only one Alcohol-Free when she’s probably the biggest drinker of them all
In those days when you feel unloveable or unpretty, know that somewhere out there is someone who is warmed by your smile, encouraged by your journey, comforted by your voice. And ONCE know you are beautiful always, inside and out 💙 #PrettyYoungThing_Nayeon
Dahyun: It’s my first time being an MC speaking in Japanese for fanmeeting in front of everyone.. it’s difficult but I really wanted to be good at it! Please give me your power!
For her high note part in Gone, Jihyo recorded it well in just 2-3 attempts 🤯🤯🤯…
13 years ago, you began your journey. Though it was tough, you never faltered, and as TWICE’s Jeongyeon you blessed us with your gift. We’re so thankful for you 💚 13 YEARS WITH JEONGYEON #13YearsWithJeongyeon #OurSunshineJeongyeon @JYPETWICE
@twice_trans Jihyo’s part is quite muffled but I think she said “これからずっとONCEの笑顔見せると” which means “going forward whenever ONCE show us their smile, always”
It seems Tzuyu attended Taiwanese singer Hebe Tien’s (formally a member of girl group S.H.E) concert in Kaohsiung City!…