ONCE, we can hold our heads up high. I don’t want to hear bs that we didn’t try hard enough, we did our best using fair means. That’s how we roll; we ain’t selling our souls for a music show win. TWICE taught us better than that. twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
#1 on BUGS #2 on MELON #7 on Billboard Music shows: According to our calculations you lose 🙃🙃🙃
Why does this look like the new cast of Running Man
CONGRATULATIONS #NAYEON!!! We did it fairly, organically and boy does it feel good 😌😌😌 DESERVED!!! #NAYEON1stWin #POP1stWin @JYPETWICE
Where’s that whole coalition of fandoms coming at us?? TWICE only have ONCE but trust me, when we’re united NOTHING can stop us and I CAN’T STOP ME
"We'll be together for a long time." I'm in this TWICE x ONCE life forever 🥹🥹
Lots of akgaes showing their true colours with TWICE’s recontract news… Don’t you think the members thought about this long and hard and also discussed with their families? Perhaps they negotiated for better terms and opportunities for development? Why so negative?
What if the Japan comeback was named CELEBRATE because they were already planning to announce contract renewal in July?? 🥹🥹🥹
Tzuyu's message on Bubble: Thankful for your support all this time, even though I have my imperfections so many still love me and support me. I cherish the time with you all and also the members, and I will continue to work hard to show my best side to repay you! Thank you!
Mina on Mezamashi TV! I'm guessing it's to do with SK-II since her fellow ambassadors Haruka Ayase and Naomi Watanabe are going to be there too twitter.com/cx_mezamashi/s…
My favourite part was Tzuyu’s seamless transition from head voice to falsetto!
I have 1000 hearts to give away, first 10 to DM me will get 100 each!
(TRANS 1/) Q: Now that it’s your 5th anniversary since your Japan debut, how do you feel right now? Sana: because of corona, for 2 years we were unable to meet with J-ONCE, so we want to make up for that lost time together! twitter.com/ZardEXG/status…
Sana said Jihyo would text the group chat something like “anyone wants to eat with me” and there were times when no one replied 😂😂 Jihyo said that sometimes the members don’t acknowledge her texts, and Chaeyoung quickly apologised twitter.com/ZardEXG/status…
Please ONCE if you have not installed CHOEAEDOL app, please do!!! We need ALL HANDS ON DECK and everyone able to vote, no matter the amount, counts!!!
Pretty shocking to see a former fanbase say just because TWICE official socmed isn’t tweeting about CHOEAEDOL means it isn’t important. Well I haven’t forgotten the sight of all 9 members jumping for joy on stage after their SOBA win. I will vote for TWICE. Who’s with me???
Jihyo ordering coffee and treats for her ITZY juniors while overseas just screams compassionate big CEO energy. JYPE -> JHPE when?
(TRANS) Q1: If you had a celebratory cake to eat? L - Fresh cream cake R - Chocolate cake Q2: If you could choose your position in TWICE? L - maknae R - leader Q3: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life? L - spicy food R - sweet
(TRANS) Tzuyu: 5 years ago during our Japan debut was the first time we performed on M Station! During that time we received a lot of support (she struggled with saying that line in Japanese but kept trying) and I was really nervous. You did well!!! 💙
It’s far from over ONCE, it’s alright to be happy about 2 consecutive wins but the final victory is still really anybody’s to take. Focus on accumulating hearts, don’t be complacent and don’t get distracted. Take breaks, eat well, get sufficient rest. All for TWICE!
(TRANS) Q: What were some parts in your tour through various countries that brought you joy? Momo: When we went to America there was so many types of meat, I was shocked! Samgyeopsal, beef, pork… they had all the meat! Meat meat meat 🥩
(TRANS) Q: What Japanese words/phrases have you remembered lately? Tzuyu: Kanpeki Kanpeki (meaning: perfect) Interviewer: So cute 😍😍 Tzuyu: When I was learning Japanese the teacher said that to me a lot. Kanpeki kanpeki~
The post says if the hashtag is tweeted 20k times they will release special TWICE content! So trend away!!! #TWICEとCelebrate twitter.com/nhk_venue101/s…
Sana: 2019 was our first Dome Tour. Mina how was it for you? Mina: It was always our dream to perform at Tokyo Dome so it was amazing for me. Jihyo: It was our first time performing at such a huge venue and seeing so many ONCE turn up made me tear up.
Tzuyu wants to visit a J-line member’s home. Dahyun wants to visit Tokyo Disneyland!