Can we just have a bit of empathy? The election in PH may not concern you, but it means a lot to your moots who worry for the future of their country. Hold space for them, let them talk about their emotions. Before we’re fans on stan Twitter we are human first.
Jihyo is too precious 🥺🥺 MUST PROTECC @JYPETWICE
Jeongyeon telling Dahyun not to use her special talent 🤣🤣 @JYPETWICE
Dahyun: just now ONCE surprised me by singing happy birthday to me, I lost my words… I’m so happy so many ONCE in America wished me happy birthday! TODAY I AM THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD!!!
now that the members have their solo IG accounts there's always a risk that it becomes a popularity contest of who has more followers. I hope as ONCE we'll be blind to follower numbers and follow all 9 of them. They deserve nothing but our love and support.
ONCE are so well-fed but today really feels like a buffet line @JYPETWICE
We just had solo IG accounts yesterday and today Nayeon has her first solo mini album. Wow. I really do think this is a new look and a step in the right direction, perhaps the members did manage to negotiate for more freedom to do solo/subunit stuff. The sky’s the limit!
Music show wins - 119
US Senate Primary wins - 1 (NEW)
Congratulations @JYPETWICE!!!
The caption reads "it's wonderful when it's the 9 of us" 🥺🥺 twitter.com/oricon/status/…
CY: when we're together it becomes our strength, even saying we are family can't completely explain what TWICE is.
MM: when a member is down, other members make it a point to cheer her up. When I see this I think, "it's great that we are 9". twitter.com/modelpress/sta…
Everyone is so whipped for Tzuyu but Jeongyeon has had enough 🤣🤣 @JYPETWICE
So apparently JYP was spotted in Cebu attending a Bible study… Does that mean TWICE’s upcoming concept is angels and they’ll be moving to gospel music
Tzuyu’s mother was interviewed: “When I heard Tzuyu contracted COVID of course I was really worried. I asked her how she was, did she feel uncomfortable anywhere?” She replied, “I’m alright, my throat just feels a bit scratchy but otherwise I’m ok. There’s no fever too - twitter.com/MIYABI_SaTzu/s…
Q: Which member do you get along with the best usually?
Dahyun: Tzuyu! Actually my baseline personality isn't the energetic or bubbly type, but more calm and quiet. These parts are quite similar to Tzuyu 🤍💙 twitter.com/scyonce33/stat…
Jeongyeon’s Interview for MORE Magazine, July 2022 issue
Translated by: @StuckOnTwice247
Feel free to use with credits :)
Nayeon’s Interview for MORE Magazine, July 2022 issue
Translated by: @StuckOnTwice247
Feel free to use with credits :)
“I’ll be your lighthouse, I’ll make it all ok”
“I will be your shining light”
Thank you, Dahyun. You made a grown man cry tonight.
Felix is the one with the deep voice right? I wonder how their vocals will gel together, but we have heard Nayeon’s lower register in songs like Good At Love so if it’s something edgy and dark I’m in!
Idk man, I’m here for Nayeon. But a featured artist is probably someone she chose/endorsed to feature in the first place. If Nayeon has no problems with Felix featuring in the song, then neither do I. It’s a collab, not a competition.
Momo telling Nayeon to just forget about her lost phone is the funniest thing I’ve seen today
can I just say after watching the final TW-Log that Jeongyeon's laughter is the best sound in the world
Sana said she likes mint chocolate, and also as a flavour in ice cream.