Greta Thunberg(@GretaThunberg)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

With over 100 incredible contributors – experts, activists and authors – it highlights many of the different faces of the crises we face, and aims to connect the dots between them. 2/4
These findings agrees with the major survey by the Washington post last year, showing that our emissions are underreported by up to 23%. 2/4…
We need you to hold the line on no-go zones and forest biomass. Every safeguarded ecosystem and intact carbon storage matter. Stop incentivising expansion and burning, stop fake climate solutions! #ForestsAreNotRenewable
Join us today as we take it to the streets again! Find out more about the global climate strike at See you there! #UprootTheSystem #FridaysForFuture…
Thank you @Schwarzenegger for inviting me! #AWS21
"Över 200.000 ton träpellets ska brännas varje år i Vattenfalls planerade kraftverk i nederländska Diemen. Satsningen är en del i bolagets omställning till fossilfritt – men riskerar i stället att leda till ökade utsläpp av koldioxid."…
It is time to take down the Taskforce on Corporate Scams. Polluting profiteers see offsetting as their “get out of jail for free card” in the climate game. But offsetting is often a dangerous climate lie. 2/5
In the EU many are frustrated about the slow speed of vaccinations. And that’s very understandable. But why is no one talking about the aspect of equity? And why can we never see the whole picture? We can of course not solve these global crises we face without global cooperation.
Offsetting risks human rights transgressions and to harm already vulnerable communities. Offsetting is often hypocrisy and it is swirling around at #COP26. In broad daylight, we are being gaslit by corporates and governments but we are exposing the climate lies. 3/5
Yes we need to balance out some emissions that can't be eliminated (agriculture etc). But as it is now I dare to claim that these distant net zero targets aren't about that, rather they're about communication tactics and making it seem like we're acting without having to change.
"If only it was that simple that we could just invest and put money on things and that would solve the problem." Long, wide, in depth interview by @BBCJustinR…
But if current trends continue and the #cop26 has to be delayed that doesn’t mean we have to delay the urgent action required. We don’t have to wait for conferences nor anyone or anything else to dramatically start reducing our emissions. Solidarity and action can start today.
This will impact the local fisheries that are essential to the Sea Sami culture and will be yet another attack on them from the Norwegian state. The mining company has planned a mine in the mountain in the middle of reindeer guottetbáiki which is crucial for the reindeer. 2/3
Valet närmar sig, och även vår klimatstrejk! Vi samlas 12.30 nu på fredag 9/9 på Sergels Torg för att gå mot Mynttorget där det blir musik och tal. Ta din chans att stå upp för rättvisa och för planeten innan valet på söndag. Vi ses på fredag! #RöstFörRättvisa #FridaysForFuture
I want to send a massive thank you to all the contributors for your invaluable expertise and stories, as well as to everyone who made this possible! And a special thanks to my fantastic editors Chloe Currens and Cristopher Richards. 4/4
Sverige motsätter sig skapandet av en fond för klimatskadestånd och försvårar därmed förhandlingarna på #COP27 . Den här fonden skulle ge avgörande stöd för de mest drabbade – det är en fråga om liv och död för otaliga människor.…
Could this be true?… Are @StanChart really saying they will end all financing to any coal-fired power plant across the globe by 2021? Let’s watch their press conference to remind them to #RaiseYourStandards #CleanUpStandardChartered
While we have many trees in plantations aimed to be cut down, monocultural plantations are not forests. We’re losing the last remaining natural forests, which are invaluable for carbon sinks, biodiversity and human rights. We need to #StopExpansionStartRestoration #ClimateStrike
There is an activist camp at Riehpovuotna and many are resisting. Though we must combat the climate crisis, this cannot be used as an excuse for so-called “green” colonialism with the same mindset that got us here in the first place. #iifalnussir #reddfjordene #savethefjords 3/3
Yes. And as soon the rest of the money is received my foundation will donate that too. So far half of the prize money has been given out. In order to receive the other half I first have to travel to Lisbon - which is not possible today with school and the ongoing pandemic...…
Amazing work by @Fridays4future activists showing @StanChart how it’s done. It’s time for Standard Chartered to actually be #HereForGood and end their investments into the coal industry. #CleanUpStandardChartered #RaiseYourStandards…
A thread with some fun (and some not so fun) facts about the series A Year To Change The World!Streaming now on @BBCiPlayer . Episode 3 airs tonight on @BBCOne Many new countries and dates TBA.…
"Ett träd som fälls och blir biobränsle har vuxit i flera decennier, och det tar lika lång tid att få ett lika stort träd igen. Och det är tid vi inte har." - @steffesundstrom…
One of these prisoners is Alaa Abd El-Fattah, who is now on a water strike since the beginning of COP27. A system that doesn't address the needs for climate justice and securing human rights is a system that has failed everyone – we need to keep both in mind. 2/4
”In the end the EU’s credibility as a promoter of science-based climate policy is at stake, whatever the Nordic countries advocate.”…