Greta Thunberg(@GretaThunberg)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Spring usually arrives in Stockholm around 20/3. 2021 it arrived on 19/2. In 2020 on 15/2. Yesterday Sweden recorded its warmest Feb temp ever +17°C. Now we're so used to heat records that unusually cold weather (not records) or even just normal cold weather gets more attention.
"If a company or individual says to me they are net-zero I know it is complete crap. I wish our climate leaders would say the same. Demonstrate the climate challenge, not the art of the greenwash." Read this thread about today's so-called "net zero"…
According to a new UN report the national targets (NDC) made so far put us on a path to achieve only a 1% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030. I’ll repeat that; 1%. Our leaders are failing mankind completely. And media is letting them get away with it.
This is outrageous... I hope we will receive more information on what’s happening shortly... #defendthedefenders #climatejustice…
This report is "a red alert for our planet" says UN Secretary General @antonioguterres As long as this doesn't dominate the news we stand no chance of reaching the targets of the Paris Agreement and thereby securing future living conditions for humanity. #FaceTheClimateEmergency…
Even if you are only 15 years old, then 30% of all global fossil fuel CO₂ emissions since 1751 have occurred in your lifetime. This really shows the historic responsibility of our current leaders.…
"By December 2020, carbon emissions were 2% higher than in the same month the year before." Well, well, well... Looks like the so-called "ambitious commitments to include "green" policies in the economic recovery packages" aren't really working out...…
Today is #WorldWildlifeDay . It should be a day of celebration, but instead we've turned it into day of sorrow. The loss of wildlife habitat and biodiversity is still being completely ignored in every aspect of our lives and societies.…
We're today discussing a #WorldWithoutNature as if it meant that "our children won't be able to see pandas in the future" or that "we won't be able to eat certain types of food". A world without nature is no world. Stop separating "humans" and "nature". Humans are part of nature.
"The new politics swirling around net zero targets is rapidly becoming a confusing and dangerous mix of pragmatism, self-delusion and weapons-grade greenwash." Important summary of one of the greatest threats to our future; deceptive carbon accounting.…
School strike week 2584275. Just kidding, it’s week 133. But it sure fees like it... #climatestrikeonline #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency
“China’s economic recovery from the pandemic so far has been anything but green” Its new 5 year plan could allow for emissions to keep growing through 2025. This is unfortunately no surprise. No-one is stepping up, and China is of course no exception.…
@edgarrmcgregor Well done and congratulations!!
Tonight at 8pm ET I'll be on the @MehdiHasanShow on @MSNBC . See you there!…
There can be no social or climate justice without gender equality. On #InternationalWomensDay we highlight that women still aren't treated as equal to men. The fight hasn't yet been won. So save your celebrations and congrats and support women on frontlines of society worldwide.
”If Joe Biden called you and said he could wave a presidential magic wand, what you tell him to do?” - Nothing. Because that would be undemocratic and democracy is the most precious thing we have. My interview with @mehdirhasan @MehdiHasanShow on @MSNBC #FaceTheClimateEmergency
"Skogsnäringen satsar stora pengar på att förmedla att ökat skogsbruk är klimatsmart. Sammanlagt över 150 miljoner kronor under de senaste fyra åren" Så här sprids myten om "det hållbara skogsbruket" - Sveriges motsvarighet till oljeindustrin.…
"The climate crisis is pushing the planet’s tropical regions towards the limits of human livability, with rising heat and humidity threatening to plunge much of the world’s population into potentially lethal conditions."…
Despite being so cold, February 2021 was still 0.06°C above the 1991-2020 global average and 0.26°C above the 1981-2010 global average.…
"We can only afford to burn one twelfth of the fossil fuels we have already found. And this does not account for any greenhouse gas emissions from the ongoing melting of permafrost," writes professor Roland Geyer #FaceTheClimateEmergency…
HSBC is planning to continue financing coal for another 2 decades(!). And this is somehow seen as "good news"??? This really shows how completely out of touch with reality we are and how urgently the narrative needs to change. #FaceTheClimateEmergency…
"Climate coverage as a whole still made up only 0.4% of overall coverage on corporate broadcast morning, nightly and Sunday morning news shows in 2020." In case you're still wondering why there's no real change in sight... #FaceTheClimateEmergency…
”Harvesting and burning forest biomass moves carbon out of forests and into the atmosphere right at the time when it is most important to reduce emissions.” 59 scientists from 17 countries write ”the EU needs to grow forests – not burn them for energy”.…