Every single day leaders have the possibility to act, and yet they actively choose not to.
Instead they set up vague hypothetical pledges and commitments way into the future.
No more excuses.
@wef #TheWorldIsWatching
If only leaders were as good as taking real action as they were giving speeches... then we would be way out of danger by now.
@wef #TheWorldIsWatching
We support every effort by world leaders to #FaceTheClimateEmergency
To help them along we’ve created a list of first step actions that would give us a fighting chance to avoid a climate disaster.
You can help by signing and sharing the open letter:
"More than half of what we call ‘renewable energy’ actually comes from burning wood and crops."
You can help put an end to this madness by signing this petition. The EU Commission is asking the public to give their opinion by 9 Feb.
“Australia's proposed gas pipelines would generate emissions equivalent to 33 coal-fired power plants”
So in the year 2021 Europe chooses to meet its energy demand by building a pipeline to transport more fossil fuels from the ones responsible for this. Shameful on so many levels. #FreeNavalny twitter.com/nytimes/status…
“People say we are pessimistic and doomish. But activists are the ones who are really doing something and for that you need to be very optimistic. To be able to think you can actually change something.”
Long in depth conversation on @zeitonline with @Luisamneubauer @Jochen & me. twitter.com/Jochen/status/…
We stand in solidarity with the #FarmersProtest in India.
Here’s an updated toolkit by people on the ground in India if you want to help. (They removed their previous document as it was outdated.)
#StandWithFarmers #FarmersProtest
"A court on Wednesday ruled that the French state failed to take sufficient action to fight climate change"
Congratulations to those involved!
It's so obvious nations aren't even close to meet their own very insufficient goals that it holds up in court.
I still #StandWithFarmers and support their peaceful protest.
No amount of hate, threats or violations of human rights will ever change that. #FarmersProtest
James Hansen writes to UK:
“In leading the UK, as host to the Cop, you have a chance to change the course of our climate trajectory – or you can stick with business-almost-as-usual and be vilified in the streets of Glasgow, London and around the world.” theguardian.com/science/2021/f…
"Flera ledande profiler inom skog- och klimatforskningen sitter själva i bolagsstyrelser eller konsultbolag med skogsbolag som kunder."
Häpnadsväckande läsning.
School strike week 129.
#FridaysForFuture is a global movement, and we support each other. We share the same cause, and we will not back down. #climatejustice
#climatestrikeonline #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency
So nice with real, cold winter in Sweden.
Still, todays average temp for Nth Hemisphere is +1°C above 1979-2000 baseline.
Daily charts like these from University of Maine should be in all daily news. This is a global crisis and needs holistic reporting.
"klimatfrågan skulle användas som förevändning att öka produktionen inom skogsbruket."
Science and democracy are strongly interlinked - as they are both built on freedom of speech, independence, facts and transparency.
If you don’t respect democracy then you probably won’t respect science. And if you don’t respect science then you probably won’t respect democracy.
"Idag på samernas nationaldag vill vi med denna text uttrycka vårt stöd för Sápmi. Att det Svenska skogsbruket skulle vara klimatanpassat och rättvist är som Samebyarna uttrycker det, mycket riktigt en bluff."
#StandWithSápmi #IndigenousRights #Sápmi aftonbladet.se/debatt/a/gWLbO…
"Before reading, you may want to know that by writing these lines I am putting my life in danger. This may sound dramatic to anyone in the UK or Europe but it is the harsh reality of activists on the ground defending themselves against the projects you finance." twitter.com/mitzijonelle/s…
Everyone seems to agree that "drastically reducing deforestation and systematically restoring forests and other ecosystems" is what we need to do.
Yet... we are doing the exact opposite - locking in decades of further destruction. And no-one seems to even care or notice. twitter.com/UNBiodiversity…
"The world’s state-owned fossil fuel companies are poised to invest about $1.9tn in the next decade in projects that would destroy any prospect of meeting the Paris agreement climate goals."
So much for "net zero" and a so-called "green recovery"...
"Air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil was responsible for 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, a staggering one in five of all people who died that year"
January 2021 was the 6th warmest January ever recorded, tied with 2018 - despite “relatively cool La Niña conditions”, according to @CopernicusECMWF climate.copernicus.eu/surface-air-te…
"On current trends, the probability of staying below 2°C of warming is only 5%, but if all countries meet their nationally determined contributions and continue to reduce emissions at the same rate after 2030, it rises to 26%"
As if a 26% chance was good.
And as if 2°C rather than 1.5°C was acceptable...
If you needed more proof that our so called "climate targets" are insufficient.